A notification application written in Scala with akka actors, streams, and alpakka. Consumes notification messages from a rabbitmq queue and schedules various forms of alerts to happen to notify the recipients, eg. play a sound, use notify-send, push to a phone via the Pushover app, etc.
The primary database supported right now is elasticsearch. Together with kibana, this makes it easy to search, graph, and analyse the notification history, and provides a nice scalable backend.
- Support google calendar integration as a notification source
- Finish the cluster logic -- there are a couple of unhandled cases around acking messages when they've been passed on to peers only, and I need to ensure other suitable notification sources get pushed through the peer routing component (e.g. I should be able to register a notification via REST on node X and have it passed on to node Y, not just scheduled on the local node)
- Add e-mail as an alert type
- Support templates for notification display (especially relevant to e-mails)