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Project P11: Guessing Game

GirlScript Jaipur edited this page Jun 25, 2019 · 1 revision

Mentor: Somya Kapoor


  1. To build a Higher Lower Guessing Game.
  2. To build a Rock Paper Scissors Game


Higher Lower Guessing Game

  • Create a game where the computer randomly selects a number between 1 and 50 and the user has to guess what the number is.
  • After every guess,the computer should tell the user if the guess is higher or lower than the answer.
  • When the user guesses the correct number, print out a congratulatory message.
  • Subgoals:
    -- Add an introductory message that explains to the user how to play your game.
    -- In addition to the congratulatory message at the end of the game, also print out how many guesses were taken before the user arrived at the correct answer.
    -- At the end of the game, allow the user to decide if they want to play again (without having to restart the program).

Rock Paper Scissors Game

  • Create a rock-paper-scissors game.
  • Ask the player to pick rock, paper or scissors.
  • Have the computer chose its move.
  • Compare the choices and decide who wins.
  • Print the results.
  • Subgoals:
    -- Give the player the option to play again.
    -- Keep a record of the score

Technology stack

  1. Python/C++/Java
  2. HTML/CSS (Optional for creatingUI)

Road Map

  • Build Higher Lower Guessing Game( 2 - 3 days)
  • Build Rock Paper Scissors Game( 2 - 3 days)
  • Build an app(If time is left)
