The Climate Change News API provides access to news articles related to climate change from various reputable sources. This API allows you to retrieve climate change news articles, along with their titles and URLs, from different news websites.
To use the Climate Change News API, follow the instructions below:
- Node.js: Make sure you have Node.js installed on your system.
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone Install the required Node.js packages:npm install
Start the API server : npm start
The API server will run on port 8000 by default
Access the API endpoints:
Base URL: http://localhost:8000
Get All Articles:
Endpoint: /news
Method: GET
Description: Retrieves a list of climate change news articles from various sources. Get Articles from a Specific Source:
Endpoint: /news/:newspaperId
Method: GET
Description: Retrieves climate change news articles from a specific news source identified by newspaperId. Customize the API:
You can customize the list of news sources and their URLs by editing the newsSources array in the index.js file. Error handling and additional features can be added as needed.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Acknowledgments This API uses Express.js for the web server. Web scraping is performed using Axios and Cheerio. Special thanks to the news sources providing climate change news.
This API uses Express.js for the web server.
Web scraping is performed using Axios and Cheerio.
Special thanks to the news sources providing climate change news.