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molecula451 committed Jul 5, 2023
1 parent 8993f95 commit a66358a
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Showing 2 changed files with 321 additions and 1 deletion.
319 changes: 319 additions & 0 deletions packages/dapp/components/staking/bonding-shares-explorer.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
import { BigNumber, ethers } from "ethers";
import { memo, useCallback, useState } from "react";

import { formatEther } from "@/lib/format";
import { performTransaction, useAsyncInit } from "@/lib/utils";
import withLoadedContext, { LoadedContext } from "@/lib/with-loaded-context";

import DepositShare from "./deposit-share";
import useBalances from "../lib/hooks/use-balances";
import useTransactionLogger from "../lib/hooks/use-transaction-logger";
import Button from "../ui/button";
import Icon from "../ui/icon";
import Loading from "../ui/loading";

type ShareData = {
id: number;
// cspell: disable-next-line
ugov: BigNumber;
bond: {
minter: string;
lpFirstDeposited: BigNumber;
creationBlock: BigNumber;
lpRewardDebt: BigNumber;
endBlock: BigNumber;
lpAmount: BigNumber;
sharesBalance: BigNumber;
weeksLeft: number;

type Model = {
shares: ShareData[];
totalShares: BigNumber;
walletLpBalance: BigNumber;
processing: ShareData["id"][];

type Actions = {
onWithdrawLp: (payload: { id: number; amount: null | number }) => void;
onClaimUbq: (id: number) => void;
onStake: (payload: { amount: BigNumber; weeks: BigNumber }) => void;

const USD_TO_LP = 0.7460387929;
const LP_TO_USD = 1 / USD_TO_LP;

export const BondingSharesExplorerContainer = ({ managedContracts, web3Provider, walletAddress, signer }: LoadedContext) => {
const [model, setModel] = useState<Model | null>(null);
const [, doTransaction] = useTransactionLogger();
const [, refreshBalances] = useBalances();
// cspell: disable-next-line
const { staking: bonding, masterChef, stakingToken: bondingToken, dollarMetapool: metaPool } = managedContracts;

async function fetchSharesInformation(processedShareId?: ShareData["id"]) {
console.time("BondingShareExplorerContainer contract loading");
const currentBlock = await web3Provider.getBlockNumber();
// cspell: disable-next-line
const blockCountInAWeek = +(await bonding.blockCountInAWeek()).toString();
const totalShares = await masterChef.totalShares();
// cspell: disable-next-line
const bondingShareIds = await bondingToken.holderTokens(walletAddress);
const walletLpBalance = await metaPool.balanceOf(walletAddress);

const shares: ShareData[] = [];
await Promise.all(
// cspell: disable-next-line (id: BigNumber) => {
// cspell: disable-next-line
const [ugov, bond, bondingShareInfo, tokenBalance] = await Promise.all([
// cspell: disable-next-line
// cspell: disable-next-line
// cspell: disable-next-line
bondingToken.balanceOf(walletAddress, id),

const endBlock = +bond.endBlock.toString();
const blocksLeft = endBlock - currentBlock;
const weeksLeft = Math.round((blocksLeft / blockCountInAWeek) * 100) / 100;

// If this is 0 it means the share ERC1155 token was transferred to another account
if (+tokenBalance.toString() > 0) {
// cspell: disable-next-line
shares.push({ id: +id.toString(), ugov, bond, sharesBalance: bondingShareInfo[0], weeksLeft });

const sortedShares = shares.sort((a, b) => -;

console.timeEnd("BondingShareExplorerContainer contract loading");
setModel((model) => ({
processing: model ? model.processing.filter((id) => id !== processedShareId) : [],
shares: sortedShares,

function allLpAmount(id: number): BigNumber {
if (!model) throw new Error("No model");
const lpAmount = model.shares.find((s) => === id)?.bond?.lpAmount;
if (!lpAmount) throw new Error("Could not find share in model");
return lpAmount;

const actions: Actions = {
onWithdrawLp: useCallback(
async ({ id, amount }) => {
if (!model || model.processing.includes(id)) return;
console.log(`Withdrawing ${amount ? amount : "ALL"} LP from ${id}`);
setModel((prevModel) => (prevModel ? { ...prevModel, processing: [...prevModel.processing, id] } : null));
doTransaction("Withdrawing LP...", async () => {
try {
// cspell: disable-next-line
const isAllowed = await bondingToken.isApprovedForAll(walletAddress, bonding.address);
if (!isAllowed) {
// cspell: disable-next-line
// Allow bonding contract to control account share
// cspell: disable-next-line
if (!(await performTransaction(bondingToken.connect(signer).setApprovalForAll(bonding.address, true)))) {
return; // TODO: Show transaction errors to user

const bigNumberAmount = amount ? ethers.utils.parseEther(amount.toString()) : allLpAmount(id);
// cspell: disable-next-line
await performTransaction(bonding.connect(signer).removeLiquidity(bigNumberAmount, BigNumber.from(id)));
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Withdrawing LP from ${id} failed:`, error);
// throws exception to update the transaction log
throw error;
} finally {

onClaimUbq: useCallback(
async (id) => {
if (!model) return;
console.log(`Claiming Ubiquity Governance token rewards from ${id}`);
setModel((prevModel) => (prevModel ? { ...prevModel, processing: [...prevModel.processing, id] } : null));
doTransaction("Claiming Ubiquity Governance tokens...", async () => {
try {
await performTransaction(masterChef.connect(signer).getRewards(BigNumber.from(id)));
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Claiming Ubiquity Governance token rewards from ${id} failed:`, error);
// throws exception to update the transaction log
throw error;
} finally {

onStake: useCallback(
async ({ amount, weeks }) => {
if (!model || model.processing.length) return;
console.log(`Staking ${amount} for ${weeks} weeks`);
doTransaction("Staking...", async () => {});
// cspell: disable-next-line
const allowance = await metaPool.allowance(walletAddress, bonding.address);
console.log("allowance", ethers.utils.formatEther(allowance));
console.log("lpsAmount", ethers.utils.formatEther(amount));
if ( {
// cspell: disable-next-line
await performTransaction(metaPool.connect(signer).approve(bonding.address, amount));
// cspell: disable-next-line
const allowance2 = await metaPool.allowance(walletAddress, bonding.address);
console.log("allowance2", ethers.utils.formatEther(allowance2));
// cspell: disable-next-line
await performTransaction(bonding.connect(signer).deposit(amount, weeks));


return <BondingSharesExplorer model={model} actions={actions} />;

export const BondingSharesExplorer = memo(({ model, actions }: { model: Model | null; actions: Actions }) => {
return <>{model ? <BondingSharesInformation {...model} {...actions} /> : <Loading text="Loading existing shares information" />}</>;

export const BondingSharesInformation = ({ shares, totalShares, onWithdrawLp, onClaimUbq, onStake, processing, walletLpBalance }: Model & Actions) => {
const totalUserShares = shares.reduce((sum, val) => {
return sum.add(val.sharesBalance);
}, BigNumber.from(0));

const totalLpBalance = shares.reduce((sum, val) => {
return sum.add(;
}, BigNumber.from(0));
// cspell: disable-next-line
const totalPendingUgov = shares.reduce((sum, val) => sum.add(val.ugov), BigNumber.from(0));

const poolPercentage = formatEther(totalUserShares.mul(ethers.utils.parseEther("100")).div(totalShares));
// cspell: disable-next-line
const filteredShares = shares.filter(({ bond: { lpAmount }, ugov }) => ||;

return (
<DepositShare onStake={onStake} disabled={processing.length > 0} maxLp={walletLpBalance} />
<table id="Staking">
<th>Unlock Time</th>
<th>Est. Deposit</th>
{filteredShares.length > 0 ? (
{ => (
<BondingShareRow key={} {...share} disabled={processing.includes(} onWithdrawLp={onWithdrawLp} onClaimUbq={onClaimUbq} />
) : (
<td colSpan={5}>Nothing staked yet</td>

<Icon icon="ubq" />
{/* cspell: disable-next-line */}
<span>{formatEther(totalPendingUgov)} </span>
<span>Staked LP</span>
<Icon icon="liquidity" />

type BondingShareRowProps = ShareData & { disabled: boolean; onWithdrawLp: Actions["onWithdrawLp"]; onClaimUbq: Actions["onClaimUbq"] };
// cspell: disable-next-line
const BondingShareRow = ({ id, ugov, sharesBalance, bond, weeksLeft, disabled, onWithdrawLp, onClaimUbq }: BondingShareRowProps) => {
const [withdrawAmount] = useState("");

const numLpAmount = +formatEther(bond.lpAmount);
const usdAmount = numLpAmount * LP_TO_USD;

function onClickWithdraw() {
const parsedUsdAmount = parseFloat(withdrawAmount);
if (parsedUsdAmount) {
onWithdrawLp({ id, amount: parsedUsdAmount * USD_TO_LP });
} else {
onWithdrawLp({ id, amount: null });

return (
<tr key={id} title={`Bonding Share ID: ${id.toString()}`}>
{weeksLeft <= 0 && ? (
<button disabled={disabled} onClick={onClickWithdraw}>
Claim &amp; Withdraw
) : // cspell: disable-next-line ? (
<Button disabled={disabled} onClick={() => onClaimUbq(+id.toString())}>
Claim reward
) : null}
{/* cspell: disable-next-line */}
<Icon icon="ubq" /> <span>{formatEther(ugov)}</span>
<td>{weeksLeft <= 0 ? "Ready" : <span>{weeksLeft}w</span>}</td>

<td>${Math.round(usdAmount * 100) / 100}</td>

export default withLoadedContext(BondingSharesExplorerContainer);
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion packages/dapp/pages/staking.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
import { FC } from "react";
import BondingSharesExplorer from "@/components/staking/bonding-shares-explorer";
import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
const WalletConnectionWall = dynamic(() => import("@/components/ui/wallet-connection-wall"), { ssr: false }); //@note Fix: (Hydration Error)

const Staking: FC = (): JSX.Element => {
return (
<BondingSharesExplorer />
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