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Turnout is an iOS mobile app designed to bring light to its users' civil liberties and rights as a voter. Voter suppression and the lack of voter turnout has been a pressing issue throughout election periods, therefore Turnout serves as a one-stop point to provide information on: voter registration steps, polling station locations/dates, details on running candidates, and data (party, past projects, etc) on your state, municipal, national government officials. The main functionality is a reporting system, allowing users to post any instances of voter suppression (station location/date changes, longer lines, etc) to a public livefeed.
- Category: News
- Mobile: On the go aspect allows users to report an incident immediately and access information anywhere whether at a polling station, registering to vote, anywhere.
- Story: Recent elections have seen a decrease in millenial political engagement, therefore Turnout tackles voter suppression and the decreasing turnout rate by providing information on voter registration, ballot access, and candidate details. With Turnout, users can report false information about voting procedures/candidates/etc
- Market: First-time voters, those who want to learn more about how they can be more involved, voters in general
- Habit: Users would often use this app to inform themselves of their civic rights, not just during election seasons.
- Scope: Possible in four weeks. MVP is fetching data on election dates/locations and candidates from the API's as well as creating a User login through the Facebook SDK, and the ability to post. UI consists of several table view cells.
- Multiple views
- Interacts with a database (e.g. Parse)
- Log in/log out of your app as a user
- Sign up with a new user profile
- Camera to take a picture (users can post their incidents with pictures)
- Integrates with a SDK (Facebook SDK)
- App contains at least one more complex algorithm (?)
- Gesture recognizers
- Animation (e.g. fade in/out, e.g. animating a view growing and shrinking)
- Incorporates an external library to add visual polish
Required Must-have Stories
- Users can login/sign up through Facebook SDK, take into account the user's zip code if new user
- Users can post incidents to the livefeed (posts incorporate camera and photos) and save to database
- Livefeed Section:
- Users can view the posted reports of other User's (incorporate "complex" algorithm with how to sort this data)
- Users can like a report
- Profile Section:
- Users can view their own past reports
- Users can save details from the Information Section to view on their profile
- Voter Guide Section: fetches from Google Civic Info API and directs User to's links for voter registration
- Elections: presents list of upcoming elections with their dates + locations for polling station. Also presents running candidates
- Proposals: list of representatives based on zipcod. Tapping on details leads to info on rep + bills they cosponsor
- Bills: list of bills and tapping on cell redirects to its details + representatives cosponsoring it
Optional Nice-to-have Stories
- The ability to share posts to other social media services
- Users can comment on a post
- Posting videos and using a media player to view them
- For each government candidate, users can leave a comment on their page, almost like a reviews section
- Calendar
- A user can save another users' posts in their Profile Section
- The ability for a user to change their zip code (Settings Page)
- Login/Sign Up
- Users can login/sign up through Facebook SDK\
- Onboarding
- First time user signs up, redirect them to modally presented view that requires a zipcode.
- Stream
- Information Section
- Livefeed Section of posted reports
- Creation
- Users can post incidents to the livefeed (posts incorporate camera and photos) and save to database
- Detail
- Each posts has details a user can view including texts and photo
- Profile
- Users can view their own past reports
- Users can save details from the Information Section to view on their profile
Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)
- Livefeed Section
- Profile Section
- Information Section
Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)
- Livefeed Section => Each post leads to a Detail Screen => Top right navigation button leads to Creation Screen
- Profile Section => Each post leads to a Detail Screen => Top right navigation button leads to Creation Screen
- Information Sections => Each post leads to a Detail Screen
Digital Wireframes & Mockups | Figma Wireframes
Interactive Prototype | Figma Prototype
Property | Type | Description |
objectId | String | unique id for the |
username | String | name for the user |
zipcode | Pointer to Zipcode | Zipcode of post's user |
Property | Type | Description |
objectId | String | unique id for the user post (default field) |
author | Pointer to User | image author |
context | Relation | |
image | File | image attached to user posts |
status | String | text/status by author |
likesCount | Number | number of likes for the post |
createdAt | DateTime | date when post is created (default field) |
updatedAt | DateTime | date when post is last updated (default field) |
zipcode | Pointer to Zipcode | Zipcode of post's user |
only save API data into Parse db when user adds it to bookmarks/saved
Property Type Description objectId String unique id for reference tile String title for the reference fetched from the API endpoint info String List of strings for website urls photoUrl String url of the fetched reference's image date String date of event if applicable location String location of event if applicable createdAt DateTime date when post is created (default field) links Array List of strings for website urls supporters Array List of strings for website urls savedByUser Boolean whether current user has saved the reference -
a different iteration
Property Type Description objectId String unique id for reference fetchedData Object NSDictionary of the fetched data from the API savers Array list of User objects that have bookmarked the reference
Property | Type | Description |
objectId | String | unique id for reference |
zipcode | String | current zipcode |
neighbors | Array | list of neighboring zipcodes |
Property | Type | Description |
objectId | String | unique id for reference |
typeId | String | whether it is like or bookmark |
infoBoxId | String | ID to indicate if obj is a reference from api or a user post |
- Live Feed Screen
- (Read/GET) Query all Posts sorted in weights of likesCount and zipcdoe
- (Create/POST) Create a new like on a Post
- (Delete) Delete existing like
- Creation Screen
- (Create/POST) Create a new Post object
- Index Screen
- (Create/POST) Create a new Reference when user bookmarks a reference from the Index Screen
- (Delete) When user unbookmarks a reference, remove user from array property and delete row if array count is now 0
- Profile Screen
- (Read/GET) Query logged in User object
- (Read/GET) Query all Posts where user is author
- (Read/GET) Query all References where user is inside the savers property array
Base URL -
HTTP Verb Endpoint Description GET
/geocode/json?address={zipcode} get zipcode lat,lng coord from the key 'location'
Base URL -
HTTP Verb Endpoint Description GET
/elections List of available elections to query GET
/voterinfo Looks up information relevant to a voter based on the voter's registered address GET
/representatives Looks up political geography and representative information for a single address
Base URL -
HTTP Verb Endpoint Description GET
/candidates/{candidate_id} fetch most recent information about that candidate GET
/candidates/{candidate_id}/history fetches a candidate's characteristics over time
Base URL -
HTTP Verb Endpoint Description GET
/{congress}/{chamber}/members.json get a list of members of a particular chamber in a particular Congress GET
/members/{member-id}/bills/{type}.json get recent bills by a specific member