umm, press the 'fork' button ~:< Rename the fork to something meaningful e.g. Doggyloot_for_blind_lab_rats
Ask someone if you don't know how to do this
This is where the bulk of your new splash page content goes. E.G. explainer text, quotes, photos
This is where the stylesheet for your splash page lives.
Start here where it says: 'SbxSplashPage CHANGE ME'
update this part _gaq.push(['_setAccount', '<%= ENV["GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID"] %>']);
Follow the instructions here: you may need to do this the first time:
Make a Heroku Account $ cd/your_app $ Heroku Create $ git push heroku master
Signup at and create a list Grab your api key and list id key and add them to Heroku like this (from the command line):
$ heroku config:add MAILCHIMP_API_KEY=my-api-key-here $ heroku config:add MAILCHIMP_LIST_ID=my-list-id-here
test your mailing list, if it's not working read this:
$ heroku config:add GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID=my-ga-id-here $ heroku config:add DOMAIN_NAME=my-domain-name-here
$ heroku addons:add newrelic:standard