#Microposts2014 NEEL Challenge Evaluation Framework
- Java v1.6+
- Maven v3+
java -cp neeleval.jar neeleval.Evaluate GS TS
- GS (Gold Standard) tab separated file. Each line should contain i) tweetid, entityMention1, entityURI1, ... , entityMentionN, entityURIN
- TS (Test Set) tab separated file. Each line should contain i) tweetid, entityMention1, entityURI1, ... , entityMentionN, entityURIN
- precision, recall, and F1
java -cp neeleval.jar neeleval.EvaluateRank GS TS x
- GS (Gold Standard) tab separated file. Each line should contain i) tweetid, entityMention1, entityURI1, ... , entityMentionN, entityURIN
- TS (Test Set) tab separated file. Each line should contain i) tweetid, entityMention1, entityURI1;entityURI2, ... , entityMentionN, entityURIN;entityURIN+1
- x (cut-off of the rank) integer from 1 ... n
- precision@x, recall@x, and F1@x
java -cp neeleval.jar neeleval.ResolveRedirect TS /path/where/to/save/TS/with/redirects
- TS (Test Set) tab separated file. Each line should contain i) tweetid, entityMention1, entityURI1, ... , entityMentionN, entityURIN
- TS (Test Set) which contains all redirects (where needed)