- unnecessary whitespace removed from JSON output (issue #2)
- JSON output now sorted alphabetically by key (isue #2)
- revised debug logging. Now supports debug=0,1,2 and 3: (issue #7)
0 - standard weeWX output, no debug info
1 - as per debug=0, advises whether Zambretti is available, logs minor non-fatal errors (eg posting)
2 - as per debug=1, logs events that occur, eg packets queued, packets processed, output generated
3 - as per debug=2, logs packet/record contents - gauge-data.txt destination directory tree is created if it does not exist (issue #8)
Also includes v0.2.12 changes (never released)
- fixed empty sequence ValueError associated with BearingRangeFrom10 and BearingRangeTo10
- fixed division by zero error in windrun calculations for first archive period of the day