Boilerplate for a single page web applications using Angular, Browserify, Gulp, MongoDB & Go.
The boilerplate provides these functions:
- A static web host that serve static files: html/javascript/css using GO's echo.
- REST Services that provide the data from the database using GO's echo.
- OAuth2 functionality to login using social networks (facebook, google+...).
- Token based security using JWT standard: JWT standard.
- Store OAuth tokens in MongoDB database.
- Build system using Gulp.
The following tools are required to build and deploy the app:
To build the system:
- Install Go and configure its location as specified in this document.
- Install Node.js.
- Install Bower:
npm install bower. - Install Gulp:
npm install gulp. - in the main folder run this:
npm install. - in the folder "clientCode" run this:
bower install - run gulp as follow in the folder clientCode:
gulp - build the Go program by running from the Go's src folder the following:
go install
The system has no runtime dependencies other than the database storage (MongoDB). It is built on the echo
The build is using Gulp