Retrieve and insert BibTeX records from various sources by using Zotero translation server. Calling biblio-zotero-insert-bibtex
will forward the provided URL to the server and insert a formatted BibTeX entry in the current buffer.
Users of straight.el can use the following recipe:
(straight-use-package '(:type git :host github :repo "gkowzan/biblio-zotero"))
or with use-package integration:
(use-package biblio-zotero
:straight (biblio-zotero :type git :host github :repo "gkowzan/biblio-zotero")
:commands (biblio-zotero-insert-bibtex))
The repository can also be cloned to some-path
and loaded directly:
(add-to-list 'load-path some-path)
(require 'biblio-zotero)
provided biblio-core is already installed.
variable needs to contain the address of a running Zotero server instance. The default value points to localhost. The easiest way to run your local instance is to set up Docker and run the server with:
docker pull zotero/translation-server
docker run -d -p 1969:1969 --restart-always --rm --name translation-server zotero/translation-server
The --restart-always
flag ensures that the server will start with docker.