D6 RPG Companion Backend
API Postman collection: Collection details URL for published documentation https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/32744750/2sAXjF8aQ
The D6 RPG Companion is an app that aims to assist in helping players and game masters create characters and forward looking even handle some of the rules as a virtual character sheet.
project board: https://github.com/users/glassoctopus/projects/7/views/1
ERD: https://dbdiagram.io/d/character-sheet-654999337d8bbd64659f4041
sample user { "uid": "bornInp0stman", "id": 1, "handle": "GlassOctpuS", "bio": "test user made in postman", "game_master": true, "admin": false }
-Create a Character, or many -Group characters in private groups or in public groups with other users -Create an adventure party with a game master