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CA Location Chatbot

This bot was created as a proof of concept to locate a public unonmous user in California using a live chat bot before transferring the conversation to a live agent.

CA Location Bot

Demo and Usage

You can try out the bot yourself at

It will:

  1. Greet you
  2. Make a call to to get your ip address
  3. Make a call to the back-end application to figure out where your ip address is located
    • If it is in California it will tell you where it found you to be (city and county) and ask if it is correct
    • If it is not identified or not in California it will ask where you are in California (either city or county)
      • Once you type in a city or county in California it will make a call to back-end application to search for the closest entry that exists in the list of cities and counties on the California Department of Tax website as of October 2021
      • If it finds a match it will tell you where it found you to be (City and County) and ask if it is correct
      • If it does not find a match it will ask you ask again where you are in California (either city or county)
  4. Once you confirm the county the bot found you to be type "yes" (without the quotes) and the bot will transfer the conversation to a surprise live agent
  5. The live agent is in fact a QnA Maker knowledgebase that is trained to answer specific questions about the surprise live agent

Free Third-Party Technology Used

Cloud Services Needed

You will need the following free cloud services established:


  1. Sign Up for GeoLite2 Free Geolocation Data
  2. Generate a License Key
  3. Write down your Account/User ID and the License Key
    • You won't have another opportunity to see that key so keep it in a safe place


  1. If you don't already have a GitHub account, Sign Up for one
  2. There are a few otions to proceed:
    • Click on the "Use this template" button to generate a new repository onto your own GitHub account
    • Clone this repository on your development workstation and if you feel like contributing to it you can create a Pull Request
    • Fork this repository to your own GitHub account by clicking on the "Fork" button on top right of the page to continue this work with your own requirements
    • Create your own repository:
      • Create new repository on your GitHub account
      • Clone the new repository locally on your development workstation
      • Clone this reporitory locally on your development workstation in a different directory
      • Copy the contents that you like from this of this repository onto your own repository's directory
      • Push your changes to the new repository
  3. If you created your own repository and intend on deploying it to your own hosting environment make sure to delete the file as that is specific to my own Azure resource in step 5 of the Azure section, but before you do take a look at it and compare it to what yours look like - it might help you troubleshoot if something goes wrong.


  1. If you don't already have an Azure account, Sign Up for a free account today

    • Includes the services we need to run the bot for free (with limits of course)
    • You will get $200 credit to try out other services that are not free for the first 30 days from your account creation
  2. Create a Resource Group

  3. Create an Application Insights

  4. Create a Search Service

    • Save the name of the Search Service and the primary search key for later use in code

      Search Service

  5. Create a Static Web App

    • The most important part during creation selecting your GitHub repository

      Static Web App

  6. Create a "Language Service"

    • Ensure you click on "Custom question answering" option
  7. Head over to the newly created Language Service

    • Save the name of the Language Service, the key 1 and the Endpoint for later use in code

      Language Service

  8. Head on over to the Cognitive Services Language Studio

    • Scroll down to the "Answer Questions" section
    • Click on "Custom question answering"
    • Create new project and make sure you select the search service you created on step 4
    • Under "Manage Sources" let's start with adding a "ChitChat" and select one you like, I picked "Witty"

Development Workstation

Required Installed Free Software

Running it locally on your development workstation

Back-end api

  • In the Api folder, copy local.settings.example.json to local.settings.json
  • Open up the CALocationBot.sln file in Visual Studio
  • In Visual Studio, open the local.settings.json file and add your keys and secrets from when you established the cloud services:
        "GeoLiteAccountUserId": "000000",
        "GeoLiteLicenseKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "SearchServiceName": "<your-search-service-name>",
        "SearchIndexName": "city-county",
        "QnAKnowledgebaseId": "<your-language-service-name>",
        "QnAEndpointKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "QnAEndpointHostName": "https://<your-hostname>"
  • Press F5 to launch the Functions API application. By default, it will be available in port 7071.

Front-end client

  • Open up a terminal and navigate to the "client" directory where you have cloned the repository.

  • Run the following commands in sequence:

    npm install
    ng serve
  • This will install all packages and then compile the code.

  • It will keep watching for any code changes you make going forward, just leave that terminal window open.

  • By default it will serve the client on http://localhost:4200/

  • The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Azure Static Web App

  • In a new terminal navigate to the rood directory where you have cloned the repository.
  • Run the following command to start the Static Web App
     swa start http://localhost:4200  --api-location http://localhost:7071

Open a browser and navigate to the Static Web App address at http://localhost:4280. You'll be able to access both the client application and the Functions API app in this single address.

Enter Ctrl-C to stop the Static Web Apps CLI.

To deploy to Azure Static Web App just push the code to your repository, GitHub actions will handle the rest.


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