🌱 also, this should be an inspiration and resource for anyone getting into or just starting out with web development
visit the first-site-upgrade website and see for yourself 👀
the full source code is available here on github in this repository, or find the source code of the project's main files on the website's code site 👾
check out the changelog here on github in this repository or on the website's changelog site to see what has changed and improved compared to the first-site 📋
anything that's incorrect, not ideal, or not following good practice 😵💫
- let me know in a message, or create an issue 💬
- or fix it yourself and create a pull request afterward 🛠️
- i try very hard to implement everything with perfection, but as we all know, four eyes see more than two, and one cannot know everything 🔍
- i'm always open to further suggestions and ideas 📡
pagespeed insights (psi) reports on the user experience of a page on both mobile and desktop devices, and provides suggestions on how that page may be improved
feel free to contribute to this project - see the contributing guidelines for information on how to get started and work on this project
there's no need to reinvent the wheel 🎡
this is to encourage the idea that other resources can and should be used because, in today's fast-paced industry, it's not always necessary to do everything yourself 🕹️
the following tools, libraries, and inspirations used for this project were (mostly) created to help us developers and make our work easier 🧰
- design system guidelines
- html/css style guide
- html/css code guide
- css guidelines
- cube css
- prettier code formatter
- normalize css
- jquery library
- google-webfonts-helper
- font analyzer
- fluid type scale calculator
- fluid line-height calculator
- fluid space scale calculator
- favicon emojis
- favicon svgs
- favicon generator
- maskable icons editor
- svg icons
- svg optimizer
- typewriter effect inspiration
- nav icon inspiration
- glitch effect inspiration
- orbit svg inspiration
- css filter generator
- css triangle generator
- public domain clipart
- royalty-free video and audio
- source code image tool
- image compression tool
- image map resizer library
- video transcoder
- audio editor
- multimedia command-line tool
- button inspiration
- iframe map
- details element inspiration
- dialog element inspiration
- canvas confetti library
- prism syntax highlighter library
- vs code dark+ theme for prism syntax highlighter
- marked markdown compiler
- css autoprefixer
- browser support tables
- html validator
- css validator
- accessibility evaluation
- facebook open graph debugger
- twitter card validator
- webvtt validator
- pagespeed insights
- pagespeed insights for readme (svg api)
- gitignore files generator
created along with the beginner-friendly learning resource "front-end web developer learning pathway" from the mdn web docs