Multiplayer game using THREE.js, NodeJS and sockets. ES6 syntax.
Clone the repo
cd to repo.
npm install
npm start
In development -- open another tab with same path and run webpack -w to watch and build game.
The backend is build in node.js(version 6.10) [/server]
- 2.0) library is used for websocket connection between client and server.
The frontend code is in the folder with minimal css [/client].
The game logic and components are written in es2015 syntax [/game].
Babel transpiler is used for transpiling ES6 to browser-friendly JS.
Add shooting physics for projectile motion. Minor fixes like initial positiom setting of the player. --complete
Shaky movemnt to the ship. Ship should visually be damaged when hit.
DB support for returning users. Will give more stability to the game.