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Django and React App example

This is a template application built using Django and React. It is based on the video tutorial provided by Traversy Media.


Documentation is included in this repository. It can be viewed using GitHub pages.

To deploy it, simply run:

mkdocs gh-deploy

Alternatively, prior to deployment, to view it locally, you can run

mkdocs serve

To build the documentation into a static website for hosting elsewhere, you can do so by running:

mkdocs build



First you need to install the relevant packages. To do this ensure you have the following installed:

Once you have installed these, you should then install the required packages for the app:

npm i
pip install -r app/requirements.txt

Environment Variables

Then you need to set up the relevant environment variables (as described in App Settings). If you haven't yet set up a database, you can do so in the next section. Set up your .envrc file using the .envrc.example file and run the following:

direnv allow .

Optional - Create a Postgres Database for local development

You can create a local postgresql database for development. For example using homebrew you would run:

brew install postgresql
brew services start postgresql@14
psql postgresql

Once you have a server up and running, you should create the database user. The details should be the same as those you used in the .envrc file.

create role svc_django with login superuser password 'P@ssw0rd';

If you want to connect to a database (e.g. my_database) on the command line using psql you would run:

\c my_database svc_django;

However, I recommend downloading DBeaver, which is a free tool for connecting to databases.

Once you have your server up and running, you should initialise it using the database setup script by running the following. Make sure to customise it to include the schemas you want creating.

python initial-setup

Create the tables

The first time you run the app, you'll need to create all the models. You can do so using:

python app/ makemigrations
python app/ migrate

Viewing the application

To run the development server, you'll need to run

python app/ runserver

If you are working on the front end and would like React hot-reloading, you'll also need to run (in a separate terminal):

npm run dev


To build the application, run

npm run build


To format this repository to pass the GitHub tests, make sure to have nox installed, and then run:

>>> nox -s format
>>> npm run format

Alternatively, these can be combined together by using

>>> npm run format-all


Improvements to make:

  • Add API auto-documentation (consider the use of react-redocs)
  • Convert to cookie cutter