Active Defense will now automatically be disposed, when the combat round is over or the combat ends. #438
Character informations can now be shown by a right-click-context-menu on an actor. #229
Option for not automatically untarged token after attack #459
refactoring the handlebarHelpers #455
The buff macro now handles more than 1 selected token (especially good for gms!) #468
New token frames! These will be used in modules and our archetypes here.
Ammo will not be deleted after it's value reached 0, but will not be used unless there are bullits in the clip! #428
Old PNG and JPEG files were deleted to reduce the amount of data the system is using (they were replaced by .webp images way before) #457
The prerequisites of a perk is now a textarea and not longer a textfield (this makes it possible to increase size and having a better overview) #254
Races are now as items and can be dragged onto the character. This influences the attribute maximums and adds race-related perks. #52
Option for using Pan-Pacifica tabletents after year 1 #467
You can’t perform that action at this time.