The Continuation Project of Adhoc Multiplayer Online System , or Yet Another PSP Emulator!
Adhoc Multiplayer Online System domain previously is on amultios .net
its a side hobby of reverse engineering PSP Adhoc Module tunneled into IOT Protocol.
The Project Began from Pro Indonesia A Virtual Private Network that build on PPSSPP Forum and continue into a big large community primarly located on SEA Region (South East Asia) its only consist of several people from facebook groups as we started 1 Developer and 3 Gamers.
now the new homebase is located at its consist of implementation on Adhoc To Mqtt Protocol but need to be rewritten the old client is modified PPSSPP and PROCFW.
as i now designing the Emulator and Protocol from scratch with this project started the characteristic of Amultios Emulator must persist
- Respect Each Amultios Member Beta Tester or Developer
- Build Based on Happiness from community to community , and Open To Collaborate
- Noob Friendly (Easy To Use)
- Fast And Performant
- No Cheat and Save States Play The PSP Game how it should that why i build it on RUST for Memory Safety
- Focus on Adhoc Multiplayer Games
- Keep On The Community Rules and Guidelines No Place for Piracy Dump Your Own Games.
- Only Target Most Device available in Market (Android , Windows , Linux , Osx)
- Gather The Docs Based On Real PSP Device Reverse Engineering Project or things that accurate on information to distract from bias on unknown information and fragmentation
- Target PSP architecture if we can , if not just skip it
- Easy To Build and Maintain
Most Of Api Calls of PSP already Documented on rust-psp just need an high level abstraction if we use HLE ways
- need to simulate hardware on LLE also for better accuracy on HOW PSP Emulated in Host Machine.
- Documents PSP Hardware From Various Source