A tool for checking for the subscription updates.
satsie is the pronunciation of '飒(sa) 尖(tsie)' in Shanghainese, which means sharp.
Compare the same source between different timestamps.
- hard to find the RSS feeds (complicated to make one)
- too many useless features like recommendation...i just need someone to tell me if any updates on my subscriptions
- privacy
$ pip install satsie # A virtualenv is recommended
$ satsie sketch # To generate a json file in your current directory for storing data
$ satsie
Usage: satsie [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
arenew check if any updates on a specific subscription
dump dump the subscriptions and their info
ls list the subscriptions
new new a subscription
remove unsubscribe from a url
renew check if any updates on all the subscriptions
search keyword search
- flag the subscriptions. e.g. type, author, etc.
- timestamp to utc