Install dependencies:
opm get ledgetech/lua-resty-http # needed to call stripe api
opm get jkeys089/lua-resty-hmac # required by stripe_webhook.lua
opm get gnois/lua-resty-stripe
local rhttp = require("resty.http")
local stripe = require("resty.stripe")
local ApiKey = "..." -- your stripe api key
local api = stripe(, ApiKey))
local status, headers_or_err, subs = api.subscriptions.get(subscription_id)
if status < 300 then
-- process subscription...
The list of API closely follows the REST Endpoint in Stripe Reference.
For creation and modification API (HTTP POST endpoints), we can supply an Idempotency-Key
HTTP header as the last parameter which will enable 3 retries if there is error and Stripe-Should-Retry
header is set to true, as documented in Low level error handling.
The Stripe webhook guide documents the steps to handle Stripe notification to your application.
Assuming we are using Losty, here is how we would create a webhook endpoint in our application to receive these notifications.
local web = require('losty.web')() -- instantiate once
local body = require('losty.body')
local content = require('losty.content')
local wh = require('stripe_webhook')
local WebhookSecret = ""
local w = web.route()'/stripe-webhook', content.json, function(q, r)
local raw = body.raw(q)
local event, err =, q.headers['stripe-signature'], WebhookSecret)
if not event then
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, err)
r.status = 400
local obj =
if 'customer.created' == event.type then
local uid = obj.metadata['']
if uid then
-- link user id to stripe customer id in database ...
r.status = 200
r.status = 400
return {fail = "invalid metadata"}
The list of API are not comprehensive for now, as I have only created the ones that I need.
Adding new APIs from the Stripe Reference is very easy, although it is using (Luaty)[]. Pull requests are always welcomed.
For example, looking at the reference for SetupIntents, we can see that there are Create
, Retrieve
, Update
, Confirm
, Cancel
and List all
operations. The Endpoints given for these operations can be directly translated into code as below:
var SetupIntents = "setup_intents"
K.setup_intents = {
get = \id, opt -> return get(SetupIntents, id, opt)
, create = \... -> return create(SetupIntents, ...)
, update = \id, ... -> return post(SetupIntents, id, ...)
, confirm = \id, ... -> return post(SetupIntents, id .. "/confirm", ...)
, cancel = \id, ... -> return post(SetupIntents, id .. "/cancel", ...)
, list = \opt -> return list(SetupIntents, opt)
There are a few patterns to note though:
- Stripe REST endpoints are using only HTTP verbs GET and POST
- HTTP GET is normally used to
all items orget
one item, which should require an ID. - HTTP POST is used to either
a new item orpost
changes to an item, which should require an ID, and sometimes followed by the operation name, for egconfirm
as seen above.create
functions are taking varargs because a HTTP header with an idempotency key can be passed in.
The sample/ folder has some real world examples. Feel free to adapt them for your own needs.