⚠️ ⚠️ THE SDK IS IN Beta⚠️ ⚠️ It is being currently develop and is a work in progress, also it's API is subjected to change. If you experience any problems, please open an issue in Github trying to describe your problem.
Install the SDK:
yarn add @gnosis.pm/cow-sdk
Instantiate the SDK:
import { CowSdk } from 'cow-sdk'
const chainId = 4 // Rinkeby
const cowSdk = new CowSdk(chainId)
The SDK will expose the CoW API operations (cowSdk.cowApi
) and some convenient method that will facilitate signing orders (cowSdk.signOrder
). Future version will provide easy access to The Graph data and some other convenient utils.
// i.e. Get last 5 orders for a given trader
const trades = await cowSdk.cowApi.getOrders({
owner: '0x00000000005ef87f8ca7014309ece7260bbcdaeb', // Trader
limit: 5,
offset: 0
Let's see a full example on how to submit an order to CowSwap.
⚠️ Before starting, the protocol requires you to approve the sell token before the order can be considered. For more details see https://docs.cow.fi/tutorials/how-to-submit-orders-via-the-api/1.-set-allowance-for-the-sell-token
In this example, we will:
- Instantiate the SDK and a wallet: Used for signing orders
- Get a price/fee quote from the API: Get current market price and required protocol fee to settle your trade.
- Sign the order using your wallet: Only signed orders are considered by the protocol.
- Post the signed order to the API: Post the order so it can be executed.
import { Wallet } from 'ethers'
import { CowSdk, OrderKind } from 'cow-sdk'
// 1. Instantiate wallet and SDK
const mnemonic = 'fall dirt bread cactus...'
const wallet = Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic)
const cowSdk = new CowSdk(4, { signer: wallet })
// 2. Get a price/fee quote from the API
// It will return the price and fee to "Sell 1 ETH for USDC"
const quoteResponse = await cowSdk.cowApi.getQuote({
kind: OrderKind.SELL, // Sell order (could also be BUY)
sellToken: '0xc778417e063141139fce010982780140aa0cd5ab', // WETH
buyToken: '0x4dbcdf9b62e891a7cec5a2568c3f4faf9e8abe2b', // USDC
amount: '1000000000000000000', // 1 WETH
userAddress: '0x1811be0994930fe9480eaede25165608b093ad7a', // Trader
validTo: 2524608000,
const { sellToken, buyToken, validTo, buyAmount, sellAmount, receiver, feeAmount } = quoteResponse.quote
const order = {
kind: OrderKind.SELL,
partiallyFillable: false, // Allow partial executions of an order (true would be for a "Fill or Kill" order, which is not yet supported but will be added soon)
// 3. Sign the order using your wallet
const signedOrder = await cowSdk.signOrder(order)
// 4. Post the signed order to the API
const orderId = await cowSdk.cowApi.sendOrder({
order: { ...order, ...signedOrder },
owner: '0x1811be0994930fe9480eaede25165608b093ad7a',
// We can inspect the Order details in the CoW Protocol Explorer
SDK also includes a Metadata API to interact with AppData documents and IPFS CIDs
const chainId = 4 // Rinkeby
const cowSdk = new CowSdk(chainId)
let hash = '0xa6c81f4ca727252a05b108f1742a07430f28d474d2a3492d8f325746824d22e5'
// Decode AppData document given a CID hash
const appDataDoc = await cowSdk.metadataApi.decodeAppData(hash)
/* {
"appCode": "CowSwap",
"metadata": {
"referrer": {
"address": "0x1f5B740436Fc5935622e92aa3b46818906F416E9",
"version": "0.1.0"
"version": "0.1.0"
} */
const cid = 'QmUf2TrpSANVXdgcYfAAACe6kg551cY3rAemB7xfEMjYvs'
// Decode CID hash to AppData Hex
const decodedAppDataHex = await cowSdk.metadataApi.cidToAppDataHex(cid)
console.log(decodedAppDataHex) //0x5ddb2c8207c10b96fac92cb934ef9ba004bc007a073c9e5b13edc422f209ed80
hash = '0x5ddb2c8207c10b96fac92cb934ef9ba004bc007a073c9e5b13edc422f209ed80'
// Decode AppData Hex to CID
const decodedAppDataHex = await cowSdk.metadataApi.appDataHexToCid(hash)
console.log(decodedAppDataHex) //QmUf2TrpSANVXdgcYfAAACe6kg551cY3rAemB7xfEMjYvs
yarn build
# Build in watch mode
yarn start
yarn test