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Releases: go-spatial/tegola-mobile

Google Play Store FOSS Beta Rollout

28 Jun 22:34
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Need to add android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" attribute to application in manifest since API 28 restricts cleartext rxtx by default

Google Play Store FOSS Beta Rollout

27 Jun 21:43
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  • added help message to display available gpkg bundles and corresponds spec (props) files
  • target latest API (28)

Google Play Store FOSS Beta Rollout

13 Jun 21:09
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  • sync-to-my-location (toggleable, and requires/asks user permission)
  • camera pitch
  • moved tile source config to its own section (out of mapview config) - this setting does not control ONLY mapview tile source
  • set default tile source to remote instead of local
  • gpkg bundle feature now allows for hosting gpkgs external to config spec (ver props) host - e.g. gpkg bundle config spec in github (pages) and gpkg files in the cloud
  • added view angle - bearing rotate to mapview, so manipulating view angle is now complete

Google Play Store FOSS Beta Rollout

07 Jun 02:09
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rev ver

mbgl beta release 2 - optimized

25 May 08:39
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set values in boilerplate to those that yield the bes…

mbgl impl "beta" ready

24 May 22:02
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update build.gradle to use latest mapbox sdk release (6.1.3)

added okhttpeventlistener for finer insight into http traffic going on "inside" mbgl - so we can see which/when mbgl fails getting tiles from tegola - currently we only log this case in debug build since mbgl will re-request when these cases occur
fixed correct busy/not busy animation associations for mbgl http activities as well as actual opengl rendering: rough sequence is: http get tile --> show busy --> frame (opengl) rendering complete --> show not busy
added handlers to restrict zooming beyond (in/out) infimum({all map layers minzoom returned from tegola capabilities}) and supremum({all map layers maxzoom returned from tegola capabilities})
fixed deferring updating initial camera pos async until after we call initial prefetch tiles
major okhttpclient perf boost by utilizing http cache (note that this works VERY nicely when tegola is also configured to use a tile cache), add spec for connection timeout, retry on failure
added default behavior to disable mapbox telemetry
added custom nav controls <--- default/embedded mbgl mapview zoom controls sucked and API to manip them does not appear to be exposed... also did not appear to be "reset to map center" control, so just created my own
added toggleable control to display current camera loc (lat, long, zoom level)
changed default http_read_timeout to 60 sec in boiler-player, which now utilizes custom okhttp client to control various http optimization facets

Tegola Mobile - GeoPackage - RC1

27 Mar 05:04
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RC1 - tagging

Tegola Mobile RC2

17 Oct 08:29
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Tegola Mobile RC2 Pre-release
RC2 Commit - Changes are as follows:

1. Fixed broken mime-types for local storage import which were previously rendering local storage imports impossible in some platform combinations
2. Local import was incorrectly attempting to use storage access framework on unsupported apis (too old) - fixed
3. Fixed foreground service Android System Notification - notification was not tracking server status correctly, nor was associated pending intent bringing Tegola Mobile activity to foreground
4. Sync'ed win/linux tegola binary buildscripts again - now they are all congruent across linux/windows build-hosts
5. Sync'ed and rebuilt tegola android-platform binaries missed in last commit

1. todo new tag
2. associated w/ tegolamobile-
3. houses tegola v. 0.4.0-beta (commit

Release Candidate

12 Oct 19:02
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Release Candidate Pre-release
"Gold" Release-Candidate Commit!  Changes are as follows:

1 Finished implementation for SD card config TOML import - added LocalStorageProvider to support API > 24
2. Finished implementation to support remote config TOML
3. Finished implementation for embedded config TOML viewer/editor