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Created by Stefan Kleff



First, install SlmQueue (instructions here). Then, add the following line into your composer.json file:

"require": {
	"slm/queue-doctrine": "0.3.*"

Then, enable the module by adding SlmQueueDoctrine in your application.config.php file.


Before reading SlmQueueDoctrine documentation, please read SlmQueue documentation.

Configuring the connection

You need to register a doctrine connection which SlmQueueDoctrine will use to access the database into the service manager. Here is some more information.

Connection parameters can be defined in the application configuration:

return array(
    'doctrine' => array(
        'connection' => array(
            // default connection name
            'orm_default' => array(
                'driverClass' => 'Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOMySql\Driver',
                'params' => array(
                    'host'     => 'localhost',
                    'port'     => '3306',
                    'user'     => 'username',
                    'password' => 'password',
                    'dbname'   => 'database',

Creating the table from SQL file

You must create the required table that will contain the queue's you may use the schema located in 'data/queue_default.sql'. If you change the table name look at Configuring queues

>mysql database < data/queue_default.sql

Creating the table from Doctrine Entity

There is an alternative way to create 'queue_default' table in your database by copying Doctrine Entity 'date/DefaultQueue.php' to your entity folder ('Application\Entity' in our example) and executing Doctrine's 'orm:schema-tool:update' command which should create the table for you. Notice that DefaultQueue entity is only used for table creation and is not used by this module internally.

Adding queues

return array(
  'slm_queue' => array(
    'queue_manager' => array(
      'factories' => array(
        'foo' => 'SlmQueueDoctrine\Factory\DoctrineQueueFactory'

Adding jobs

return array(
  'slm_queue' => array(
    'job_manager' => array(
      'factories' => array(
        'My\Job' => 'My\JobFactory'

Configuring queues

The following options can be set per queue ;

  • connection (defaults to 'doctrine.connection.orm_default') : Name of the registered doctrine connection service
  • table_name (defaults to 'queue_default') : Table name which should be used to store jobs
  • delete_lifetime (defaults to 0) : How long to keep deleted (successful) jobs (in minutes)
  • buried_lifetime (defaults to 0) : How long to keep buried (failed) jobs (in minutes)
  • sleep_when_idle (defaults to 1) : How long show we sleep when no jobs available for processing (in seconds)
return array(
  'slm_queue' => array(
    'queues' => array(
      'foo' => array(
        'sleep_when_idle' => 1

Operations on queues


Valid options are:

  • scheduled: the time when the job will be scheduled to run next
    • numeric string or integer - interpreted as a timestamp
    • string parserable by the DateTime object
    • DateTime instance
  • delay: the delay before a job become available to be popped (defaults to 0 - no delay -)
    • numeric string or integer - interpreted as seconds
    • string parserable (ISO 8601 duration) by DateTimeInterval::__construct
    • string parserable (relative parts) by DateTimeInterval::createFromDateString
    • DateTimeInterval instance


	// scheduled for execution asap

	// scheduled for execution 2015-01-01 00:00:00 (system timezone applies)
    $queue->push($job, array(
        'scheduled' => 1420070400

    // scheduled for execution 2015-01-01 00:00:00 (system timezone applies)
    $queue->push($job, array(
        'scheduled' => '2015-01-01 00:00:00'

    // scheduled for execution at 2015-01-01 01:00:00
    $queue->push($job, array(
        'scheduled' => '2015-01-01 00:00:00',
        'delay' => 3600

    // scheduled for execution at now + 300 seconds
    $queue->push($job, array(
        'delay' => 'PT300S'

    // scheduled for execution at now + 2 weeks (1209600 seconds)
    $queue->push($job, array(
        'delay' => '2 weeks'

    // scheduled for execution at now + 300 seconds
    $queue->push($job, array(
        'delay' => new DateInterval("PT300S"))

Worker actions

Interact with workers from the command line from within the public folder of your Zend Framework 2 application

Starting a worker

Start a worker that will keep monitoring a specific queue for jobs scheduled to be processed. This worker will continue until it has reached certain criteria (exceeds a memory limit or has processed a specified number of jobs).

php index.php queue doctrine <queueName> --start

A worker will exit when you press cntr-C after it has finished the current job it is working on. (PHP doesn't support signal handling on Windows)

*Warning : In previous versions of SlmQueueDoctrine the worker would quit if there where no jobs available for processing. That meant you could savely create a cronjob that would start a worker every minute. If you do that now you will quickly run out of available resources.

Now, you can let your script run indefinitely. While this was not possible in PHP versions previous to 5.3, it is now not a big deal. This has the other benefit of not needing to bootstrap the application every time, which is good for performance. *

Recovering jobs

To recover jobs which are in the 'running' state for prolonged period of time (specified in minutes) use the following command.

php index.php queue doctrine <queueName> --recover [--executionTime=]

Note : Workers that are processing a job that is being recovered are NOT stopped. )


Doctrine adapter for SlmQueue module







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