This package was build to beautify Gin Gonic Binding validation error message for api. You can register your own custom validation and easily add customize its message as you like. Currently this package supports
go get
import ""
func main () {
router := gin.Default()
router.Use( validator.Errors())
router.GET("/some-method", SomeFunction)
It has default validation message for email, required, min, max, len for extra other validation First you need to register your custom validation by process here
After you have successfully registered your custom validator you can register it when application starts in main function to beautify message by:
func main () {
router := gin.Default()
validate := []validator.ExtraValidation{
{Tag: "test", Message:"%s is passed!"},
{Tag: "unique", Message:"%s must be unique!"},
router.Use( validator.Errors())
router.GET("/some-method", SomeFunction)
type TestModel struct {
Name `json:"name" binding:required,unique`
func SomeFunction (c *gin.Context) {
var model TestModel
if err := c.ShouldBindBodyWith(&model, binding.JSON); err != nil {
_ = c.AbortWithError(422, err).SetType(gin.ErrorTypeBind)
Here %s in field name which is automatically replaced later and it doesnot matter if the field name is camel case because it will be splitted automatically: for example: "firstName" will be outputted as "First name". You should name your field name with camelcase only and avoiding _ or underscore. If you have additional param like while specifying length we do len=10 and in message to get that param value just add another "%s" in message like "%s must be of length %s!" and it will be outputted like "Field name must be of length 10!"
For testing run
go test
Copyright (c) 2019