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Refactor address type in base reachability computation
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Address sets are no longer flattened irreversibly.
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sim642 committed Aug 16, 2024
1 parent 0d6d3a8 commit 4c68fff
Showing 1 changed file with 36 additions and 30 deletions.
66 changes: 36 additions & 30 deletions src/analyses/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -532,24 +532,26 @@ struct
List.fold_right f vals []

let rec reachable_from_value ask (value: value) (t: typ) (description: string) =
let empty = AD.empty () in
module ADS = SetDomain.Make (AD)

let rec reachable_from_value ask (value: value) (t: typ) (description: string): ADS.t =
let empty = ADS.empty () in
if M.tracing then M.trace "reachability" "Checking value %a" VD.pretty value;
match value with
| Top ->
if not (VD.is_immediate_type t) then ~category:Unsound "Unknown value in %s could be an escaped pointer address!" description; empty
| Bot -> (*M.debug ~category:Analyzer "A bottom value when computing reachable addresses!";*) empty
| Address adrs when AD.is_top adrs -> ~category:Unsound "Unknown address in %s has escaped." description; AD.remove Addr.NullPtr adrs (* return known addresses still to be a bit more sane (but still unsound) *) ~category:Unsound "Unknown address in %s has escaped." description; ADS.singleton (AD.remove Addr.NullPtr adrs) (* return known addresses still to be a bit more sane (but still unsound) *)
(* The main thing is to track where pointers go: *)
| Address adrs -> AD.remove Addr.NullPtr adrs
| Address adrs -> ADS.singleton (AD.remove Addr.NullPtr adrs)
(* Unions are easy, I just ingore the type info. *)
| Union (f,e) -> reachable_from_value ask e t description
(* For arrays, we ask to read from an unknown index, this will cause it
* join all its values. *)
| Array a -> reachable_from_value ask (ValueDomain.CArrays.get (Queries.to_value_domain_ask ask) a (None, ())) t description
| Blob (e,_,_) -> reachable_from_value ask e t description
| Struct s -> ValueDomain.Structs.fold (fun k v acc -> AD.join (reachable_from_value ask v t description) acc) s empty
| Struct s -> ValueDomain.Structs.fold (fun k v acc -> ADS.join (reachable_from_value ask v t description) acc) s empty
| Int _ -> empty
| Float _ -> empty
| MutexAttr _ -> empty
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(* Get the list of addresses accessable immediately from a given address, thus
* all pointers within a structure should be considered, but we don't follow
* pointers. We return a flattend representation, thus simply an address (set). *)
let reachable_from_address ~ctx st (adr: address): address =
let reachable_from_address ~ctx st (adr: Addr.t): ADS.t =
let adr = AD.singleton adr in (* TODO: avoid *)
if M.tracing then M.tracei "reachability" "Checking for %a" AD.pretty adr;
let res = reachable_from_value (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) (get ~ctx st adr None) (AD.type_of adr) ( adr) in
if M.tracing then M.traceu "reachability" "Reachable addresses: %a" AD.pretty res;
if M.tracing then M.traceu "reachability" "Reachable addresses: %a" ADS.pretty res;

(* The code for getting the variables reachable from the list of parameters.
* This section is very confusing, because I use the same construct, a set of
* addresses, as both AD elements abstracting individual (ambiguous) addresses
* and the workset of visited addresses. *)
let reachable_vars ~ctx (st: store) (args: address list): address list =
let reachable_vars ~ctx (st: store) (args: address list): ADS.t =
if M.tracing then M.traceli "reachability" "Checking reachable arguments from [%a]!" (d_list ", " AD.pretty) args;
let empty = AD.empty () in
(* We begin looking at the parameters: *)
let argset = List.fold_right (AD.join) args empty in
let workset = ref argset in
let argset: ADS.t = List.fold_right (ADS.add) args (ADS.empty ()) in
let workset: ADS.t ref = ref argset in
(* And we keep a set of already visited variables *)
let visited = ref empty in
while not (AD.is_empty !workset) do
visited := AD.union !visited !workset;
let visited: AD.t ref = ref (AD.empty ()) in (* TODO: use *)
let result: ADS.t ref = ref (ADS.empty ()) in
while not (ADS.is_empty !workset) do
result := ADS.union !result !workset;
(* ok, let's visit all the variables in the workset and collect the new variables *)
let visit_and_collect var (acc: address): address =
let var = AD.singleton var in (* Very bad hack! Pathetic really! *)
AD.union (reachable_from_address ~ctx st var) acc in
let collected = AD.fold visit_and_collect !workset empty in
let visit_and_collect addr (acc: ADS.t): ADS.t =
AD.fold (fun var acc ->
ADS.union (reachable_from_address ~ctx st var) acc
) addr acc
let collected = ADS.fold visit_and_collect !workset (ADS.empty ()) in
(* And here we remove the already visited variables *)
workset := AD.diff collected !visited
workset := ADS.diff collected !result
(* Return the list of elements that have been visited. *)
if M.tracing then M.traceu "reachability" "All reachable vars: %a" AD.pretty !visited; AD.singleton (AD.elements !visited)

let reachable_vars ~ctx st args = Timing.wrap "reachability" (reachable_vars ~ctx st) args

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| Address a ->
let a' = AD.remove Addr.UnknownPtr a in (* run reachable_vars without unknown just to be safe: TODO why? *)
let addrs = reachable_vars ~ctx ctx.local [a'] in
let addrs' = List.fold_left (AD.join) (AD.empty ()) addrs in
let addrs' = ADS.fold AD.join addrs (AD.empty ()) in
if AD.may_be_unknown a then
AD.add UnknownPtr addrs' (* add unknown back *)
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(** From a list of expressions, collect a list of addresses that they might point to, or contain pointers to. *)
let collect_funargs ~ctx ?(warn=false) (st:store) (exps: exp list) =
let ask = Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx in
let do_exp e =
let do_exp acc e =
let immediately_reachable = reachable_from_value ask (eval_rv ~ctx st e) (Cilfacade.typeOf e) ( e) in
reachable_vars ~ctx st [immediately_reachable]
ADS.join acc @@ reachable_vars ~ctx st (ADS.elements immediately_reachable) (* TODO: avoid elements *)
List.concat_map do_exp exps
List.fold_left do_exp (ADS.empty ()) exps

let collect_invalidate ~deep ~ctx ?(warn=false) (st:store) (exps: exp list) =
if deep then
Expand All @@ -2043,24 +2048,25 @@ struct
| _ -> AD.empty ()
in mpt exps
|> ADS.of_list

let invalidate ?(deep=true) ~ctx (st:store) (exps: exp list): store =
if M.tracing && exps <> [] then M.tracel "invalidate" "Will invalidate expressions [%a]" (d_list ", " d_plainexp) exps;
if exps <> [] then ~category:Imprecise "Invalidating expressions: %a" (d_list ", " d_exp) exps;
(* To invalidate a single address, we create a pair with its corresponding
* top value. *)
let invalidate_address st a =
let invalidate_address st a acc =
let t = try AD.type_of a with Not_found -> voidType in (* TODO: why is this called with empty a to begin with? *)
let v = get ~ctx st a None in (* None here is ok, just causes us to be a bit less precise *)
let nv = VD.invalidate_value (Queries.to_value_domain_ask (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx)) t v in
(a, t, nv)
(a, t, nv) :: acc
(* We define the function that invalidates all the values that an address
* expression e may point to *)
let invalidate_exp exps =
let args = collect_invalidate ~deep ~ctx ~warn:true st exps in (invalidate_address st) args
ADS.fold (invalidate_address st) args []
let invalids = invalidate_exp exps in
let is_fav_addr x =
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add_to_array_map fundec pa;
let new_cpa = CPA.add_list pa st'.cpa in
(* List of reachable variables *)
let reachable = List.concat_map AD.to_var_may (reachable_vars ~ctx st (get_ptrs vals)) in
let reachable = ADS.fold (fun ad acc -> AD.to_var_may ad @ acc) (reachable_vars ~ctx st (get_ptrs vals)) [] in
let reachable = List.filter (fun v -> CPA.mem v reachable in
let new_cpa = CPA.add_list_fun reachable (fun v -> CPA.find v new_cpa in

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let deep_args = LibraryDesc.Accesses.find desc.accs { kind = Spawn; deep = true } args in
let shallow_flist = collect_invalidate ~deep:false ~ctx ctx.local shallow_args in
let deep_flist = collect_invalidate ~deep:true ~ctx ctx.local deep_args in
let flist = shallow_flist @ deep_flist in
let addrs = List.concat_map AD.to_var_may flist in
let flist = ADS.join shallow_flist deep_flist in
let addrs = ADS.fold (fun ad acc -> AD.to_var_may ad @ acc) flist [] in
if addrs <> [] then M.debug ~category:Analyzer "Spawning non-unique functions from unknown function: %a" (d_list ", " CilType.Varinfo.pretty) addrs;
List.filter_map (create_thread ~multiple:true None None) addrs
| _, _ -> []
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