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Introduce a simplified version of td3 with warrowing
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arkocal committed Oct 31, 2024
1 parent a080563 commit 4fd46fe
Showing 1 changed file with 233 additions and 0 deletions.
233 changes: 233 additions & 0 deletions src/solver/
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@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
(** Terminating op-down solver with side effects. Baseline for comparisons with td_parallel solvers ([td_simplified]).*)

(** Top down solver that uses the box-operator for widening/narrowing at widening points.
* Options:
* - solvers.td3.remove-wpoint (default: true): Remove widening points when a variable is and stays stable in iterate. Increases precision of nested loops.*)

open Batteries
open ConstrSys
open Messages

module M = Messages

module Base : GenericEqSolver =
functor (S:EqConstrSys) ->
functor (HM:Hashtbl.S with type key = S.v) ->
open SolverBox.Warrow (S.Dom)
include Generic.SolverStats (S) (HM)
module VS = Set.Make (S.Var)

type solver_data = {
infl: VS.t HM.t;
rho: S.Dom.t HM.t;
wpoint: unit HM.t;
stable: unit HM.t;

let create_empty_data () = {
infl = HM.create 10;
rho = HM.create 10;
wpoint = HM.create 10;
stable = HM.create 10;

let print_data data =
Logs.debug "|rho|=%d" (HM.length data.rho);
Logs.debug "|stable|=%d" (HM.length data.stable);
Logs.debug "|infl|=%d" (HM.length data.infl);
Logs.debug "|wpoint|=%d" (HM.length data.wpoint)

let print_data_verbose data str =
if Logs.Level.should_log Debug then (
Logs.debug "%s:" str;
print_data data

let solve st vs =
let data = create_empty_data () in

let called = HM.create 10 in
let infl = data.infl in
let rho = data.rho in
let wpoint = data.wpoint in
let stable = data.stable in

let remove_wpoint = GobConfig.get_bool "solvers.td3.remove-wpoint" in

let () = print_solver_stats := fun () ->
print_data data; "|called|=%d" (HM.length called);
print_context_stats rho

let add_infl y x =
if tracing then trace "infl" "add_infl %a %a" S.Var.pretty_trace y S.Var.pretty_trace x;
HM.replace infl y (VS.add x (HM.find_default infl y VS.empty));

let init x =
if not (HM.mem rho x) then (
new_var_event x;
if tracing then trace "init" "init %a" S.Var.pretty_trace x;
HM.replace rho x ( ())

let eq x get set =
if tracing then trace "eq" "eq %a" S.Var.pretty_trace x;
match S.system x with
| None -> ()
| Some f -> f get set

let rec destabilize x =
if tracing then trace "destab" "destabilize %a" S.Var.pretty_trace x;
let w = HM.find_default infl x VS.empty in
HM.replace infl x VS.empty;
VS.iter (fun y ->
if tracing then trace "destab" "stable remove %a" S.Var.pretty_trace y;
HM.remove stable y;
destabilize y
) w

let rec iterate ?reuse_eq x = (* ~(inner) solve in td3*)
let query x y = (* ~eval in td3 *)
if tracing then trace "sol_query" "entering query for %a; stable %b; called %b" S.Var.pretty_trace y (HM.mem stable y) (HM.mem called y);
get_var_event y;
if not (HM.mem called y) then (
if S.system y = None then (
init y;
HM.replace stable y ()
) else (
HM.replace called y ();
if tracing then trace "iter" "iterate called from query";
iterate y;
HM.remove called y)
) else (
if tracing && not (HM.mem wpoint y) then trace "wpoint" "query adding wpoint %a" S.Var.pretty_trace y;
HM.replace wpoint y ();
let tmp = HM.find rho y in
add_infl y x;
if tracing then trace "answer" "exiting query for %a\nanswer: %a" S.Var.pretty_trace y S.Dom.pretty tmp;

let side x y d = (* side from x to y; only to variables y w/o rhs; x only used for trace *)
if tracing then trace "side" "side to %a (wpx: %b) from %a ## value: %a" S.Var.pretty_trace y (HM.mem wpoint y) S.Var.pretty_trace x S.Dom.pretty d;
assert (S.system y = None);
init y;
let widen a b =
if M.tracing then M.trace "sidew" "side widen %a" S.Var.pretty_trace y;
S.Dom.widen a (S.Dom.join a b)
let op a b = if HM.mem wpoint y then widen a b else S.Dom.join a b
let old = HM.find rho y in
let tmp = op old d in
HM.replace stable y ();
if not (S.Dom.leq tmp old) then (
if tracing && not (S.Dom.is_bot old) then trace "solside" "side to %a (wpx: %b) from %a: %a -> %a" S.Var.pretty_trace y (HM.mem wpoint y) S.Var.pretty_trace x S.Dom.pretty old S.Dom.pretty tmp;
if tracing && not (S.Dom.is_bot old) then trace "solchange" "side to %a (wpx: %b) from %a: %a" S.Var.pretty_trace y (HM.mem wpoint y) S.Var.pretty_trace x S.Dom.pretty_diff (tmp, old);
HM.replace rho y tmp;
destabilize y;
(* make y a widening point. This will only matter for the next side _ y. *)
if tracing && not (HM.mem wpoint y) then trace "wpoint" "side adding wpoint %a" S.Var.pretty_trace y;
HM.replace wpoint y ()

(* begining of iterate*)
if tracing then trace "iter" "iterate %a, called: %b, stable: %b, wpoint: %b" S.Var.pretty_trace x (HM.mem called x) (HM.mem stable x) (HM.mem wpoint x);
init x;
assert (S.system x <> None);
if not (HM.mem stable x) then (
HM.replace stable x ();
let wp = HM.mem wpoint x in (* if x becomes a wpoint during eq, checking this will delay widening until next iterate *)
let eqd = eq x (query x) (side x) in (* d from equation/rhs *)
let old = HM.find rho x in (* d from older iterate *)
let wpd = (* d after widen/narrow (if wp) *)
if not wp then eqd
else box old eqd
if not (Timing.wrap "S.Dom.equal" (fun () -> S.Dom.equal old wpd) ()) then (
(* old != wpd *)
if tracing then trace "sol" "Changed";
if tracing && not (S.Dom.is_bot old) && HM.mem wpoint x then trace "solchange" "%a (wpx: %b): %a" S.Var.pretty_trace x (HM.mem wpoint x) S.Dom.pretty_diff (wpd, old);
update_var_event x old wpd;
HM.replace rho x wpd;
destabilize x;
if tracing then trace "iter" "iterate changed %a" S.Var.pretty_trace x;
(iterate[@tailcall]) x
) else (
(* old == wpd *)
if not (HM.mem stable x) then (
(* value unchanged, but not stable, i.e. destabilized itself during rhs *)
if tracing then trace "iter" "iterate still unstable %a" S.Var.pretty_trace x;
(iterate[@tailcall]) x
) else (
if remove_wpoint then (
(* this makes e.g. nested loops precise, ex. tests/regression/34-localization/01-nested.c - if we do not remove wpoint, the inner loop head will stay a wpoint and widen the outer loop variable. *)
if tracing && (HM.mem wpoint x) then trace "wpoint" "iterate removing wpoint %a" S.Var.pretty_trace x;
HM.remove wpoint x

let set_start (x,d) =
init x;
HM.replace rho x d;
HM.replace stable x ();

(* beginning of main solve *)
start_event ();

List.iter set_start st;

List.iter init vs;
(* If we have multiple start variables vs, we might solve v1, then while solving v2 we side some global which v1 depends on with a new value. Then v1 is no longer stable and we have to solve it again. *)
let i = ref 0 in
let rec solver () = (* as while loop in paper *)
incr i;
let unstable_vs = List.filter (neg (HM.mem stable)) vs in
if unstable_vs <> [] then (
if Logs.Level.should_log Debug then (
if !i = 1 then Logs.newline ();
Logs.debug "Unstable solver start vars in %d. phase:" !i;
List.iter (fun v -> Logs.debug "\t%a" S.Var.pretty_trace v) unstable_vs;
Logs.newline ();
flush_all ();
List.iter (fun x -> HM.replace called x ();
if tracing then trace "multivar" "solving for %a" S.Var.pretty_trace x;
iterate x;
HM.remove called x
) unstable_vs;
solver ();
solver ();
(* After termination, only those variables are stable which are
* - reachable from any of the queried variables vs, or
* - effected by side-effects and have no constraints on their own (this should be the case for all of our analyses). *)

stop_event ();
print_data_verbose data "Data after iterate completed";

if GobConfig.get_bool "dbg.print_wpoints" then (
Logs.newline ();
Logs.debug "Widening points:";
HM.iter (fun k () -> Logs.debug "%a" S.Var.pretty_trace k) wpoint;
Logs.newline ();


let () =
Selector.add_solver ("td_simplified", (module PostSolver.EqIncrSolverFromEqSolver (Base)));

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