Experimental: 3.0.2-57
Changelog 3.0.0-46..22bfd6f
22bfd6f - Bump up plugin version to 3.0.2
bd05f23 - Use user access token fetch user details
bb27ca6 - Use github enterprise api url to fetch user details
905e2f9 - Use the new plugin helper to build and deploy jars
c252a43 - Add an SVG icon and bump version
033b06a - Upgrade gradle
4473f95 - Bump hamcrest-library from 1.3 to 2.1
a85e836 - Bump mockwebserver from 3.12.0 to 3.14.0
3254ba1 - Bump okhttp from 3.12.0 to 3.14.0
a4d484a - Bump mockito-core from 2.23.4 to 2.25.1
SHA256 Checksums
d78d548fb0ce30ac8b29b0e4c429eec881ef6a347bff13025788cccc53a7e8b3 *github-oauth-authorization-plugin-3.0.2-57.jar