Front-End | |
Back-End | |
Database | |
State-Management | |
Tools | |
Others |
- Open
- Fill-up the variables
#NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL is the base url of the website, e.g. http://localhost:3000
NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL=#Website Base URL e.g. http://localhost:3000
#NEXT_PUBLIC_API_ENDPOINT is the base url of the api, e.g. http://localhost:3000/api
NEXT_PUBLIC_API_ENDPOINT=#API Endpoint Base URL e.g. http://localhost:3000/api
#NEXT_PUBLIC_JWT_SECRET_KEY is the secret key used to generate JWT tokens, e.g. Hello
NEXT_PUBLIC_JWT_SECRET_KEY=#JWT Generator Secret Key e.g. Hello
#MONGODB_URI is the endpoint of the MongoDB database, e.g. mongodb://
MONGODB_URI=#MongoDB Database Endpoint e.g. mongodb://
NEXT_PUBLIC_MONGODB_NAME=#MongoDB Database Name e.g. library-db
- Rename
- Install the dependencies
# Using npm
npm install
# Using yarn
yarn install
- Run Development Build
# Using npm
npm run dev
# Using yarn
yarn dev
- Go to development build (e.g. http://localhost:3000/)
- Create Production Build
# Using npm
npm run build
# Using yarn
yarn build
- Run Production
# Using npm
npm run start
# Using yarn
yarn build
- Go to production build (e.g. http://localhost:3000/)