ios4che - open source iOS viewer app implementation for DCM4CHE Wado Service
Read the licence
- DCM4CHEE-2.18.0-psql & postgresql database
- Web services
- Json Simple library: Copy this library to dcm4che-2.18.0-psql/server/default/lib folder and restart dcm4chee. Download it from:
- Download and install dcm4chee-2.18.0-psql or downlad the automated installer from
- Check the server logs and make sure there is no error (server/default/logs).
- Send studies to dcm4cheee
- Check to make sure you can access the images using Wado via dcm4chee web interface (localhost:8080/dcm4chee-web3)
- Copy the directory Web Services to dcm4chee-2.18.0/server/default/deploy
- Rename the web services directory to whatever-you-wish-to-name-it.war(make sure the extension of the directory is .war otherwise the app will not connect!).
- Edit the files inside the web service directory according to your database connection credentials(default is database username: pascdb username: postgres password:password). You must also configure this otherwise the app will not work!
Once a new version is released, you may have to update the app and the web services provided at the same time. Otherwise the app will not function properly.
- Copy the directory Web Services to dcm4chee-2.18.0/server/default/deploy/whatever-you-named-it.war and replace the existing files
- Edit the database connection credentials
- Delete the app from your iOS device.
- Run and recompile the project
If you are interested in contributing to the project, please contact me. I would like to hear your feedback and feature requests. Thank you.