A proof of concept for writing Hadoop MapReduce jobs in Go. mrgob utilizes Hadoop streaming over stdin and stdout to process data. It integrates with Yelp's open source mrjob software to deploy and execute MapReduce jobs on Amazon EMR or locally.
See wordcount.go for a complete example
type MRWordCount struct{}
func isPunctOrSpace(r rune) bool {
return unicode.IsPunct(r) || unicode.IsSpace(r)
func (j *MRWordCount) Map(line interface{}, out chan interface{}) error {
for _, word := range strings.FieldsFunc(line.(string), isPunctOrSpace) {
if len(word) > 0 {
out <- &mrjob.Pair{strings.ToLower(word), 1}
return nil
func (j *MRWordCount) Reduce(key interface{}, values chan interface{}, out chan interface{}) error {
sum := 0.
for val := range values {
sum += val.(*mrjob.Pair).Value.(float64)
out <- &mrjob.Pair{key.(string), sum}
return nil
func main() {
wc := new(MRWordCount)
job := mrjob.NewJob(*mrjob.NewStep(wc, wc))