Python program that allows training AI using (1+1) evolution algorithm and then testing or displaying games played by it.
$ ./ -o ai-data # learn, then save ai data in file
$ ./ -i ai-data -n 300 # load ai data from file, then test it in 300 games
$ ./ -i ai-data # load ai data, then run single game with full visualisation
runs single game with visualization
-i file
ai data to load
learning phase
-o file
where to save ai data
-i file
starting ai data
-n number
number of iterations to run
-m number
number of games in iteration
experimental scoring system
mutations and ai behaviour is determined
testing phase
-n number
number of test games to play
-i file
ai data to load
`-t type' testing ai type
- pypy3
- python3
- even more python for fancy fancy viewing of games
- GTK3
- gobject-introcpection
- cairo
- cairocffi (or pycairo as drop-in replacement)