GLPasteboardMonitor detects a change of the general pasteboard of the UIPasteboard.
initialization and how to start and stop monitoring.
#import “GLPasteboardMonitor.h”
GLPasteboardMonitor *monitor = [GLPasteboardMonitor alloc] initWithDelegate:delegate];
// start monitoring
[monitor run];
// stop monitoring
[monitor stop];
To receive a change of the general pasteboard, implement these delegate methods.
- (void)pasteboardMonitor:(GLPasteboardMonitor *)Monitor didChangeString:(NSString *)newCopiedString;
- (void)pasteboardMonitor:(GLPasteboardMonitor *)Monitor didChangeImage:(UIImage *)newCopiedImage;
Finally, to keep monitoring pasteboard, you must implement the task competion in your app delegate.
@interface GLAppDelegate () <GLPasteboardMonitorDelegate>
@property (nonatomic, assign) UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier backgroundTask;
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
self.backgroundTask = [application beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:^{
[application endBackgroundTask:self.backgroundTask];
self.backgroundTask = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid;
GLPasteboardMonitor must be built with ARC enabled.
GLPasteboardMonitor is available under the MIT license.