Hi, my name is Felipe Eduardo Gomes! I'm creative, proactive and result oriented professional. I like to share knowledge and solve problems and in my perspective, technology is a means to achieve these goals. I love learning leadership strategies and technology, moreover, I am quite fond of numbers and logic. I currently work as a Software Developer in a Brazilian software development company.
💻 Software Developer at Senior Sistemas
📚 I'm currently studying Java, Spring, Clean Architecture and AWS
📄 PSPO™ (Scrum.org) and Management 3.0 Certified
🏆 Associate degree in Systems Analysis and Development at FAE Business School
🏆 Specialization degree in Software Engineering at Uniasselvi
🏆 Specialization degree in Data Science at Universidade Regional de Blumenau
⏳ In progress - Specialization degree in Software Architecture and Design Patterns in Java at FIAP