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HullBreach Wiki

Derek Lane edited this page Sep 6, 2016 · 9 revisions


Module Manager is Recommended as it makes it easier to modify parts with the required fields

Deleting the following files is recommended to refresh parts if using LBP or SMMarine already

  • [KSPRoot]PartDatabase.cfg
  • [KSPRoot]\GameData\ModuleManager.ConfigCache

Example Module Manager Patch to Update Parts

Recommended for Hull or large parts

       name = ModuleHullBreach
       flowrate = 750
       critFlowRate = 4000
       breachTemp = 0.4      //Triggers flowrate
       critBreachTemp = 0.8  //Triggers critFlowrate
       hull = true           //set to false if wanting the part to be crushed
       hydroExplosive = true //part will explode after a certain depth underwater, head is added to part increasing with depth
       crushable = false     //part will be crushed crushDepth, used for when a part has no water
       crushDepth = 200      //depth in meters for a part to be crushed
       partDebug = false     //set to true to see diagnostic fields


      name = SeaWater
      amount = 0
      maxAmount = 2000000    

Recommended for Non-Hull parts, towers, smaller parts that would not take on water

       name = ModuleHullBreach
       hull = false           //set to false if wanting the part to be crushed
       hydroExplosive = false //part will explode after a certain depth underwater, head is added to part increasing with depth
       crushable = true     //part will be crushed crushDepth, used for when a part has no water
       crushDepth = 200      //depth in meters for a part to be crushed
       partDebug = false     //set to true to see diagnostic fields

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