Reactive, realtime, offline queries with a 👌 developer experience.
In active development, please give feedback GitHub issues
Copyright (c) 2019 by Gadi Cohen. Released under the MIT license.
- Client-side mongo-like database makes CRUD operations a joy
- Queries are reactive and realtime (live), with optimistic updates for free
- Works offline, syncs on reconnect, persists with IndexedDB
- Great experience to use with React, etc.
- Highly scalable
const GongoServer = require('gongo-server').GongoServer;
const server = new GongoServer({
mongoUrl: 'mongodb://mongo1,mongo2,mongo3/gongo?replicaSet=rs0'
server.publish('todos', db => db.collection('todos').find());
import React from 'react';
import { gongo, useGongoLive, useGongoSub } from 'gongo-react';
const todos = window.todos = gongo.collection('todos');
function submitTodo(e) {
const form =, input = form.children[0];
todos.insert({ title: input.value });
input.value = '';
function TodoList() {
// Reactive realtime live query (of local db / subscription) using React Hooks
const todos = useGongoLive( () => todos.find() );
// Tell the server to keep us up to date as long as component is rendered
useGongoSub(gongo, 'todos');
return (
<form onSubmit={submitTodo}>
Title: <input type="text" />
<button type="submit">Add</button>
{ => (
<li key={todo._id}>{todo.title}</li>
export default TodoList;
More instructions coming as needed.
- MongoDB
- Note that Atlas's free forever tier includes a replSet and works great.
- Other databases could be supported in the future.
- MongoDB
- Host anywhere you can run node.
- Works great on Now 1.0; Planned to work with Now 2.0 once WebSockets become available.
To be clear, the concept and data flow is very similar to Meteor. I spent years working with Meteor and have a lot of love for the team and community.
If, for whatever reason, you choose not to use Meteor for a particular project, this package aims to return the joyful developer experience to creating apps while addressing some of the shortcomings.
More in
- Biggest credit is to the incredible METEOR TEAM who completely revolutionized the developer experience for modern web apps. The inspiration for this project is to imitate the Meteor Development Experience outside of Meteor.
- GraphQL does case X better.
Use GraphQL for case X.