#SentiPY SentiPY is a sentiment ananlysis system based on the SentiDP algorithm and implemented by Python.SentiDP stands for the "Sentiment Drop Point", utilizes the sentiment word strength(like "good" labeled with the value +3) to classify reviews.
1, Sentiment classificaton based on sentiment word strengths;
2, Sentiment rating;
3, Sentiment effectiveness rank;
4, Extracting aspect-opinions;
We need a Stanford NLP service, but its size is more than 300Mb, so we need to download it manually from Dropbox.
1,install corenlp-python(include the Stanford CoreNLP)
wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/21wkispu69cmk7n/corenlp.tar.gz
tar xvzf corenlp.tar.gz
cd corenlp-python
python corenlp/corenlp.py
then the NLP server is running.
##usage: install the python package first ####1,nlp(to do segment\pos\parse)
from sentipy import nlp
server = nlp.StanfordNLP()
print nlp.parser1(server,"我在广州")
####2,sentiment analysis
from sentipy import senti
s = senti.senti()
Thanks for the support of Useease.Inc and Stanford NLP GROUP's John.