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Angular On-Demand Rides and Deliveries Sample


In order to run the full end-to-end journey sharing use case, you need 4 components:

  • a provider backend as it can be utilized by Android, iOS, and JavaScript client samples.
  • a driver app (Android | iOS)
  • a consumer app (Android | iOS)
  • a web app (included in this repository)

The consumer and driver mobile apps communicate with the provider backend. The web app also communicates with the provider backend to request authentication tokens. The provider backend communicates with the Fleet Engine.


  1. Please fully complete Getting Started with Fleet Engine.
  2. Please make sure the provider backend is up and running.
  3. Please make sure a consumer mobile app and a driver mobile app are running. Use these to create vehicles and trips to track with the Angular sample app.

Getting started

Step 1 - Download and install dependencies

These dependencies are needed to run the sample app. If you have them installed already you can skip these steps below.

Step 2 - Populate ./node_modules

This will install all packages declared in package.json of the sample project to make sure all dependencies are properly installed.

npm install

Step 3 - Add API key and other metadata (required)

In src/app/journey-sharing-google-map/journey-sharing-google-map.component.ts, do the following:

  • Set the PROVIDER_URL constant to the URL of your provider that was set up in Prerequisite #2.
// Replace 'YOUR_PROVIDER_URL' with the URL of your provider. See
// for instructions on how to set up a provider.
  • Add your API key to the Google Maps JavaScript API Loader initialization:
const loader = new Loader({
  // Replace with your API key
  apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
  • Add the Cloud project ID to the FleetEngineTripLocationProvider initialization:
this.locationProvider =
  new google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProvider({
    // Replace 'PROVIDER_PROJECT_ID' with the project ID of the Cloud
    // project that has Local Rides and Deliveries API enabled.
    projectId: 'PROVIDER_PROJECT_ID',

Step 4 - Run the sample app

From this directory, run ng serve to start a development server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Step 5 - Start tracking a trip

Enter a trip ID for a trip you created (Prerequisite #3) in the Trip ID input field and click "Find trip".

Important references