Typescript functions for working with generators and async generators. Gives you generator equivalents for the typical array-like combinators (map, filter, reduce, flatten), plus a few more.
import { map, mapAsync } from "@gordonb/generator";
const doubles = map([1, 2, 3], (n) => n * 2);
// Generator<number>
const sleep = <T>(value: T, ms: number): Promise<T> =>
new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, ms);
async function* sleepyIter<T>(values: Iterable<T>): AsyncGenerator<T> {
for (const n of values) {
yield await sleep(n, 1);
const doublesAsync = mapAsync(sleepyIter([1, 2, 3]), (n) => n * 2);
// AsyncGenerator<number>