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Copyright 2022 Görkem Paçacı

Contact: [email protected], [email protected]

CNP Meta-interpreter

This is an implementation of the CNP (Combilog with Names and Projection) Meta-interpreter written in Prolog, with a small math library attached. For a formal description see:

Paçacı, G., McKeever, S., & Hamfelt, A. (2017, June). Compositional Relational Programming with Name Projection and Compositional Synthesis. In International Andrei Ershov Memorial Conference on Perspectives of System Informatics (pp. 306-321). Springer, Cham.

Paçacı, G., Johnson, D., McKeever, S., & Hamfelt, A. (2019, June). Why did you do that?. In International Conference on Computational Science (pp. 334-345). Springer, Cham.

Release Notes

In this 2022 version the recursion operators (folds) have only one operand, meaning they're in line with the familiar implementations from functional programming. The default value assumed for the second operand is assumed to be id. For example, the new foldr(cons) is equivalent to the previous foldr(cons,id).

What is CNP?

CNP is a meta-language implemented in Prolog to offer Functional-Programming-like higher order operators in horn clause programs (like Prolog). CNP does this through variable-free syntax, and as a result its syntax is quite verbose, yet better than its predecessor Combilog, and much better than any comparable alternatives like Quines PFL or SKI calculus. The verbosity is a result of having to express binding of many input/output arguments in a single composition without consulting to variables.

The main use for CNP is program synthesis. Because there is no variables, CNP programs can be inductively synthesized by a few examples by exploiting the reverse semantics of the operators (See Pacaci 2017).

This meta-interpreter is provided so CNP programs synthesized via Parallel CombInduce or RICE can be executed independently.


Examples throughout this document are executed via SWI Prolog. To start, load swipl and consult the source files:

$ swipl
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 8.0.3)

?- consult(['', '', '']).

?- run_tests.
% PL-Unit: cnp ...................................... done
% All 38 tests passed

For example, in Prolog you can write this example of ancestor relation as such:

parent(edwardVII, georgeV).
parent(georgeV, georgeVI).
parent(georgeVI, elizabethII).
parent(elizabethII, charlesIII).
ancestor(Ancestor, Descendant) :- parent(Ancestor, Descendant).
ancestor(Ancestor, Descendant) :- parent(Ancestor, I), ancestor(I, Descendant).

In CNP, because there are no variables, the composition is achieved through projection:

cnp:def(parent, data([parent,       child],
                     [[edwardVII,   georgeV],
                      [georgeV,     georgeVI],
                      [georgeVI,    elizabethII],
                      [elizabethII, charlesIII]]) ).

cnp:def(ancestor, or(proj(parent, [parent->ancestor, child->descendant]),
                     proj(and(proj(parent, [parent->ancestor, child->intermediate]),
                              proj(ancestor, [ancestor->intermediate, descendant->descendant])),
                          [ancestor->ancestor, descendant->descendant])) ).

Asking all the ancestry relationship produces:

?- cnp(ancestor, A).
A = _7794{ancestor:edwardVII, descendant:georgeV} ;
A = _7794{ancestor:georgeV, descendant:georgeVI} ;
A = _7794{ancestor:georgeVI, descendant:elizabethII} ;
A = _7794{ancestor:elizabethII, descendant:charlesIII} ;
A = _7794{ancestor:edwardVII, descendant:georgeVI} ;
A = _7794{ancestor:edwardVII, descendant:elizabethII} ;
A = _7794{ancestor:edwardVII, descendant:charlesIII} ;
A = _86{ancestor:georgeV, descendant:elizabethII} ;
A = _86{ancestor:georgeV, descendant:charlesIII} ;
A = _86{ancestor:georgeVI, descendant:charlesIII} ;

Composing and running CNP programs

CNP programs are run through the cnp predicate (usually named apply):

cnp(CNPProgram, Args).

For example, using the elementary predicate id : {a, b}:

?- cnp(id, _{a:1, b:B}).
B = 1.

The second argument Args is used to facilitate input/output with the CNP program through the meta-interpreter (cnp). Type of Args is a dict, which is a structure in the form Tag{name:term, ...}. CNP never binds the Tag, so CNP tuples always look like _{ ... }.

Programs of any complexity can be composed and run via putting it in the first argument of the cnp predicate:

?- cnp(foldl(cons), _{b0:[], as:[1,2,3], b:List}).
List = [3, 2, 1].

CNP is built on top of Horn clauses (as in Prolog), so any CNP pure program can be run in reverse, like so:

?- cnp(foldl(cons), _{b0:[], as:AS, b:[3,2,1]}).
AS = [1, 2, 3].

or it can be used to iterate through other possible values for the arguments:

?- cnp(foldl(cons), _{b0:B0, as:AS, b:[3,2,1]}).
B0 = [3, 2, 1],
AS = [] ;
B0 = [2, 1],
AS = [3] ;
B0 = [1],
AS = [2, 3] ;
B0 = [],
AS = [1, 2, 3] ;

Summary of CNP syntax

Here is a brief summary of CNP language. Examples can be found in Names of a predicate expression is displayed as P : {a, b, c}. There is no order to names as they're given as a set.

Elementary predicates

id : {a, b} succeeds when values of a and b are identical.

cons : {a, b, ab} succeeds when value of ab is a list where head is value of a and tail is b.

const(N, T) : {N} succeeds when value of N is T. This is used to introduce constants with a name, like const(nil, []).

Logic operators

and(P, Q) : N gives conjunction of P : N1 and Q : N2, similar to an inner join from Relational Algebra. Names N is the union of N1 an N2, and intersection of N1 and N2 must be non-empty. It can be written infix as (P ^ Q).

or(P, Q) gives disjunction, where names work like in and. Infix: (P \/ Q).

andc(P, Q) gives relational composition. It's equivalent to proj(and(P, Q), D) where D projects disjoint arguments of P and Q. For example, if P : {a, b} and Q : {b, c}, andc(P, Q) : {a, c}. Infix: (P ^. Q).

Recursion operators

foldr(P) : {b0, as, b} where P : {a, b, ab} gives a right fold, and foldl(P) a left fold.

map(P) : {as, bs} where P : {a, b} gives a map from as to bs. If P is reversible, map(P) is reversible too.

filter(P) : {as, bs} where P : {a} gives a filter from as to bs. For example, filter(neg, _{as:[1,-2,3], bs:Bs}) succeeds for Bs = [-2].

Conditional operators

if(C, T, F) succeeds as T if C succeeds, otherwise it succeeds as F. Names of T and F should be identical, and names of C should be a subset of those.

Extending the interpreter

There are two ways to extend the interpreter: (1) defining library predicates to introduce something that is available in Prolog into CNP, or (2) defining a new CNP predicate or a CNP operator by giving a body in CNP.

To define a library predicate, you add another clause for the cnp:lib, as can be seen in the '' file:

cnp:lib(lt,   [a,b],    [_{a:A, b:B}] >> (A<B)).

cnp:lib has three arguments, first gives a name for the predicate, second gives the argument names, and the third gives an anonymous predicate to execute. Then you can use this predicate as a CNP program:

?- cnp(lt, _{a:3, b:4}).
true .

To define a CNP operator, you add a clause for the cnp:def. CNP has a map already, but lets say you want to implement a map in terms of foldr, you can do:

% map implemented in terms of foldr
  proj(and(const(b0, []),
           foldr(proj(and(proj(P, [a>a, b>b1]),
                         proj(cons, [a>b1, b>b, ab>ab])),
                     [a>a, b>b, ab>ab]))),
       [as>as, b>bs])).

and the CNP interpreter will execute the body for you:

?- cnp(map_f(flip), _{as:[1,-2,3], bs:Bs}).
Bs = [-1, 2, -3].


CNP 2022 Meta-interpreter implemented in Prolog







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