More information is also available at the Toolkit Website.
#Build and run the source code
- Eclipse Luna
- Oracle JDK7 or OpenJDK 7
- Import from the /target/luna folder
- Set as Target Platform
- Window -> Preferences -> Plug-in Development -> Target Platform
- Clone repository:
- Check out the following projects from the folders
- plugins/**
- tests/**
- Build the project (otherwise it will complain about Ocl22Parser not found)
- mvn verify at the root of Dresden OCL
- In order to run the project right-click any Dresden OCL Plug-in and select Run as -> Eclipse Plug-in
#Code Contribution If you plan to submit any code to the Dresden OCL repository, please use the JDT code formatter available at
Please feel free to contribute. Just fork Dresden OCL on GitHub and make a pull request!