It generates audit-trails for your rails application and provide analytics out of the box!
It is inspired from many great audit gems in rails community that audits model and I was looking for a gem which can audit based on actions as well as can audit link tracking. This gem just serve this purpose.
Roughly it is doing similar to what Omniture/Google Analytics does, but it your data remain within your app, so you can build custom charts as and when you wish.
For rails 4.x+ & 3.2.6 + and ruby>1.9.2:
gem install audit_rails
or in application’s Gemfile add:
gem ‘audit_rails’
rails g audit_rails:install
rake audit_rails:install:migrations
Add attributes to migration generated from above rake task
Inherit from AuditRails::Audit:
# MyApp/app/models/audit.rb
class Audit < AuditRails::Audit
# attr_accessible is only needed for Rails 3.2.6+ not needed for Rails 4+
attr_accessible :action, :controller, :description, :user_name,
# add associations as usual:
belongs_to :book
Simply call 'add_to_audit' with desired parameters in any controller (as this is now a helper method included in application_controller.rb of application)
Simply re-implement in application_controller.rb
Override current_user method in application controller, e.g.:
def current_user
add_to_audit('login', 'sessions', "John Smith")
Go to <app-url>/audit_rails/audits/analytics
Add this to initializers/mime_types.rb
Mime::Type.register "application/", :xls
Use below link in views:
link_to audit_rails.audits_path(:format => "xls")
- Rails 4+ support (Done: Tested with example application )
- ReactJS awesomeness
- geoip integration
- World Map Integration
You are welcome to contribute and add more feature to this gem. I have added rspec and guard to it to run tests quickly. So running specs shouldn't be a problem.
Please fork it, add specs and send a pull request!
This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.