The tutorial is heavily based on the jet tagging tools and framework/files produced for the BoostedJet Tagging paper JME-18-002 and the corresponding HATS exercise in 2019
To run on LPC, log in via:
ssh -L localhost:9999:localhost:9999 [email protected]
and setup CMSSW:
source /cvmfs/
mkdir hats2020
cmsrel CMSSW_11_1_0_pre5
cd CMSSW_11_1_0_pre5/src
git clone HATS2020HRT
scram b -j 8
voms-proxy-init -voms cms -valid 192:00
Then run the notebook
jupyter notebook --port 9999 --ip --no-browser
To run on Vanderbilt, login at using your CERN credentials. Once you successfully connect, you should see the following front page
The two most important buttons are
- The
button, which lets you open a terminal or start a new Jupyter notebook. - The
control panel
button, which lets you shut down your notebook once you're done. It's helpful to do this to free up resources for other users.
We will copy your grid certificates from the LPC cluster, to do this, open the front page (shown above), and click the New
box at the top right, then the Terminal
This will open a new tab with a bash terminal. Execute the following commands (following the appropriate prompts) to copy your certificate from the LPC to Jupyter (note: replace username
with your FNAL
The following command will prompt you for your FNAL password
kinit [email protected]
rsync -rLv [email protected]:.globus/ ~/.globus/
chmod 755 ~/.globus
chmod 600 ~/.globus/*
If you have a password on your grid certificate, you'll need to remember to execute the following in a terminal each time you log in to Jupyter. Similar to the LPC cluster, you will get a new host at each logon, and the new host won't have your old credentials.
Each time you log in, open a terminal and execute:
voms-proxy-init -voms cms -valid 192:00
Open up a terminal and run the following command from your home area:
mkdir hats2020_hrt
cd hats2020_hrt/
Go back to your Jupyter browser (Home) page and open/run(double-click) the newly downloaded notebook (setup-libraries.ipynb - downloaded just recently - only one cell to run). This will checkout the code and setup your setup-libraries.ipynb. After running setup-libraries.ipynb, choose "File... Close and Halt". Then you can continue on to the Exercise section (below).
Run the notebook