This repository is used to build RuleBased MatchMaker Java WS Docker images.
No environment variables are needed to run this container.
8080 TCP
docker pull gpii/rbmm-java
docker run \
-d \
-p 8080:8080 \
--name="rbmm-java" \
In order to build an image the RuleBasedMatchMaker_RESTful_WS_Maven repository working directory should exist wherever the contents of this directory are saved. For transparent image versioning that maps directly to the official Git repository each new image should be tagged using the repository's short commit hash. For example:
git clone -b review3
docker build --rm=true -t <your name>/rbmm-java:$(git --git-dir=RuleBasedMatchMaker_RESTful_WS_Maven/.git --work-tree=RuleBasedMatchMaker_RESTful_WS_Maven rev-parse --short HEAD) .