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Releases: gplepage/vegas

vegas version 6.2.1

07 Feb 22:42
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Fixes minor issues in Integrator.random_batch() and with flag minimize_mem. Also cleans up aspects of the Cython code.

vegas version 6.2

07 Dec 22:01
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Modified so Integrator works with integrands that return 32-bit floats as well as 64-bit floats. This is to accommodate integrands that are run on GPUs.

Updated documentation gives examples that use GPUs, Cython, numba, or Pythran to speed up vegas integrations.

Adds method Integrator.sample() for generating sample sets of integration points.

vegas version 6.1.3

08 Jul 15:50
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Now works with numpy version 2.0 as well as numpy>=1.24.

vegas version 6.1.2

21 May 22:12
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Bug fixes in PDFIntegrator (scale parameter) and Integrator (dof).

vegas version 6.1.1

19 Apr 22:23
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More robust treatment of round-off errors when calculating means and variances in vegas.

vegas version 6.1

30 Mar 22:28
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Adds new method vegas.PDFIntegrator.sample which draws sample points from the integrator's probability distribution (e.g., for making histograms and contour plots of probability distributions).

vegas version 6.0.1

08 Mar 15:16
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Minor fix concerning location of .pxd files for Cython.

vegas version 6.0

05 Mar 19:48
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Adds new method vegas.PDFIntegrator.stats. Default value for mpi is now False. Integrands can accept arguments that are dictionaries or arrays; the arrays can now have arbitrary shapes. Bug fixes.

vegas version 5.6

18 Dec 16:37
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vegas 5.6 adds one feature: vegas.Integrators now can be (optionally) configured to package integration points as dictionaries rather than arrays. This is to facilitate integration over (large) heterogeneous collections of integration variables. See the tutorial section on Dictionaries.

vegas version 5.5.2

04 Dec 21:31
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Updated random number generator to accommodate changes in gvar and numpy.