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@gpoore gpoore released this 08 Jul 19:35
· 56 commits to master since this release
  • Added beameroverlays option, which enables beamer overlays using the
    < and > characters.

  • Added options breakindentnchars, breaksymbolsepleftnchars (alias
    breaksymbolsepnchars), breaksymbolseprightnchars,
    breaksymbolindentleftnchars (alias breaksymbolindentnchars), and
    breaksymbolindentrightnchars. These are identical to the pre-existing
    options without the nchars suffix, except that they allow indentation to
    be specified as an integer number of characters rather than as a dimension.
    As a result of these new options, \settowidth is no longer used in the
    preamble, resolving some font incompatibilities (#4).

  • Clarified in the docs that breaksymbolsepright is a minimum, rather
    than exact, distance.