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@gpoore gpoore released this 14 Sep 16:27
· 4 commits to master since this release
  • Added new option backgroundcolor (alias bgcolor). This provides a
    basic, \colorbox-based implementation of background colors for commands
    and environments. Added new option backgroundcolorvphantom (alias
    bgcolorvphantom) for customizing background height. Added new option
    backgroundcolorpadding (alias bgcolorpadding) for customizing padding
    between text and the edge of the region with background color.

  • Added option insertenvname. This customizes the verbatim environment
    used by \VerbatimInsertBuffer.

  • When numberblanklines=false, highlightlines no longer highlights blank
    lines at the end of a highlighted range (#25, gpoore/minted#226).

  • An unnecessary line break is no longer inserted before the last "word" of a
    line when it is preceded by a long "word" that is broken internally as a
    result of breakbefore, breakafter, or breakanywhere (#26).

  • Added option breakpreferspaces (default true). This determines whether
    line breaks are preferentially inserted at normal spaces rather than at
    other locations allowed by breakbefore, breakafter, or breakanywhere

  • Added option breakanywhereinlinestretch (gpoore/minted#387).

  • \FVExtraReadVArg now takes a multi-line (but not multi-paragraph)
    verbatim argument. The new \FVExtraReadVArgSingleLine provides the old
    functionality of taking an argument restricted to a single line

  • By default, \Verb and \SaveVerb now take multi-line (but not
    multi-paragraph) verbatim arguments. The old behavior of requiring
    verbatim arguments to be on a single line can be restored by setting the
    new option vargsingleline to true.

  • Added documentation for undocumented fancyvrb option listparameters

  • Expanded breaklines documentation with discussion of limitations and
    alternatives (gpoore/minted#400).