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This module provides a set of functions to interact with gptscripts. It allows for executing scripts, listing available tools and models, and more.


To use this module, you need to have Go installed on your system. Then, you can install the module via:

go get


To use the module, you need to first set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable to your OpenAI API key.

Additionally, you need the gptscript binary. You can install it on your system using the installation instructions. The binary can be on the PATH, or the GPTSCRIPT_BIN environment variable can be used to specify its location.


The GPTScript instance allows the caller to run gptscript files, tools, and other operations (see below). Note that the intention is that a single GPTScript instance is all you need for the life of your application, you should call Close() on the instance when you are done.

Global Options

When creating a GTPScript instance, you can pass the following global options. These options are also available as run Options. Anything specified as a run option will take precedence over the global option.

  • CacheDir: The directory to use for caching. Default (""), which uses the default cache directory.
  • APIKey: Specify an OpenAI API key for authenticating requests
  • BaseURL: A base URL for an OpenAI compatible API (the default is
  • DefaultModel: The default model to use for chat completion requests
  • DefaultModelProvider: The default model provider to use for chat completion requests
  • Env: Supply the environment variables. Supplying anything here means that nothing from the environment is used. The default is os.Environ(). Supplying Env at the run/evaluate level will be treated as "additional."

Run Options

These are optional options that can be passed to the various exec functions. None of the options is required, and the defaults will reduce the number of calls made to the Model API. As noted above, the Global Options are also available to specify here. These options would take precedence.

  • disableCache: Enable or disable caching. Default (false).
  • subTool: Use tool of this name, not the first tool
  • input: Input arguments for the tool run
  • workspace: Directory to use for the workspace, if specified it will not be deleted on exit
  • inlcudeEvents: Whether to include the streaming of events. Default (false). Note that if this is true, you must stream the events. See below for details.
  • chatState: The chat state to continue, or null to start a new chat and return the state
  • confirm: Prompt before running potentially dangerous commands
  • prompt: Allow prompting of the user



Lists all the available models, returns a list.


package main

import (


func listModels(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) {
	g, err := gptscript.NewGPTScript(gptscript.GlobalOptions{})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer g.Close()

	return g.ListModels(ctx)


Parse file into a Tool data structure

package main

import (


func parse(ctx context.Context, fileName string) ([]gptscript.Node, error) {
	g, err := gptscript.NewGPTScript(gptscript.GlobalOptions{})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer g.Close()

	return g.Parse(ctx, fileName)


Parse contents that represents a GPTScript file into a data structure.

package main

import (


func parseTool(ctx context.Context, contents string) ([]gptscript.Node, error) {
	g, err := gptscript.NewGPTScript(gptscript.GlobalOptions{})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer g.Close()

	return g.ParseTool(ctx, contents)


Parse convert a tool data structure into a GPTScript file.

package main

import (


func parse(ctx context.Context, nodes []gptscript.Node) (string, error) {
	g, err := gptscript.NewGPTScript(gptscript.GlobalOptions{})
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	defer g.Close()

	return g.Fmt(ctx, nodes)


Executes a tool with optional arguments.

package main

import (


func runTool(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
	t := gptscript.ToolDef{
		Instructions: "who was the president of the united states in 1928?",

	g, err := gptscript.NewGPTScript(gptscript.GlobalOptions{})
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	defer g.Close()

	run, err := g.Evaluate(ctx, gptscript.Options{}, t)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	return run.Text()


Executes a GPT script file with optional input and arguments. The script is relative to the callers source directory.

package main

import (


func runFile(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
	opts := gptscript.Options{
		DisableCache: &[]bool{true}[0],
		Input: "--input hello",

	g, err := gptscript.NewGPTScript(gptscript.GlobalOptions{})
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	defer g.Close()

	run, err := g.Run(ctx, "./hello.gpt",  opts)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	return run.Text()

Streaming events

In order to stream events, you must set IncludeEvents option to true. If you don't set this and try to stream events, then it will succeed, but you will not get any events. More importantly, if you set IncludeEvents to true, you must stream the events for the script to complete.

package main

import (


func streamExecTool(ctx context.Context) error {
	opts := gptscript.Options{
		DisableCache:  &[]bool{true}[0],
		IncludeEvents: true,
		Input:         "--input world",

	g, err := gptscript.NewGPTScript(gptscript.GlobalOptions{})
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	defer g.Close()

	run, err := g.Run(ctx, "./hello.gpt", opts)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	for event := range run.Events() {
		// Process event...

	_, err = run.Text()
	return err


Using the Confirm: true option allows a user to inspect potentially dangerous commands before they are run. The caller has the ability to allow or disallow their running. In order to do this, a caller should look for the CallConfirm event. This also means that IncludeEvent should be true.

package main

import (


func runFileWithConfirm(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
	opts := gptscript.Options{
		DisableCache: &[]bool{true}[0],
		Input: "--input hello",
		Confirm: true,
		IncludeEvents: true,

	g, err := gptscript.NewGPTScript(gptscript.GlobalOptions{})
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	defer g.Close()

	run, err := g.Run(ctx, "./hello.gpt",  opts)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	for event := range run.Events() {
		if event.Call != nil && event.Call.Type == gptscript.EventTypeCallConfirm {
			// event.Tool has the information on the command being run.
			// and event.Input will have the input to the command being run.

			err = g.Confirm(ctx, gptscript.AuthResponse{
				ID: event.ID,
				Accept: true, // Or false if not allowed.
				Message: "", // A message explaining why the command is not allowed (ignored if allowed).
			if err != nil {
				// Handle error

		// Process event...

	return run.Text()


Using the Prompt: true option allows a script to prompt a user for input. In order to do this, a caller should look for the Prompt event. This also means that IncludeEvent should be true. Note that if a Prompt event occurs when it has not explicitly been allowed, then the run will error.

package main

import (


func runFileWithPrompt(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
	opts := gptscript.Options{
		DisableCache: &[]bool{true}[0],
		Input: "--input hello",
		Prompt: true,
		IncludeEvents: true,

	g, err := gptscript.NewGPTScript(gptscript.GlobalOptions{})
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	defer g.Close()

	run, err := g.Run(ctx, "./hello.gpt",  opts)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	for event := range run.Events() {
		if event.Prompt != nil {
			// event.Prompt has the information to prompt the user.

			err = g.PromptResponse(ctx, gptscript.PromptResponse{
				ID: event.Prompt.ID,
				// Responses is a map[string]string of Fields to values
				Responses: map[string]string{
					event.Prompt.Fields[0]: "Some Value",
			if err != nil {
				// Handle error

		// Process event...

	return run.Text()


Tool Parameters

Argument Type Default Description
name string "" The name of the tool. Optional only on the first tool if there are multiple tools defined.
description string "" A brief description of what the tool does, this is important for explaining to the LLM when it should be used.
tools array [] An array of tools that the current tool might depend on or use.
maxTokens number/undefined undefined The maximum number of tokens to be used. Prefer undefined for uninitialized or optional values.
model string "" The model that the tool uses, if applicable.
cache boolean true Whether caching is enabled for the tool.
temperature number/undefined undefined The temperature setting for the model, affecting randomness. undefined for default behavior.
args object {} Additional arguments specific to the tool, described by key-value pairs.
internalPrompt boolean false An internal prompt used by the tool, if any.
instructions string "" Instructions on how to use the tool.
jsonResponse boolean false Whether the tool returns a JSON response instead of plain text. You must include the word 'json' in the body of the prompt


Copyright (c) 2024, Acorn Labs, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.