Your one-stop command to dump kubernetes configs to files. We use this to add our configs to git for safe-keeping.
Check it out, move it to /usr/local/bin/kubedump and chmod +x it
git clone
cd kubernetes-dump
mv kubedump /usr/local/bin/
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubedump
Now if you run it when you have a cluster configured it will dump the following resources. They are placed in subdirectories matching the resource type.
- configmap
- cronjob
- deployments
- horizontalpodautoscalers
- ingresses
- limitranges
- persistentvolumeclaims
- persistentvolumes
- services
- statefulset
- Ingresses are exported in a seperate loop WITHOUT --export to preserve the ip they are currently using
- You must have kubectl installed
- I highly recommend using kubectx to switch between projects easily