This folder contains the cluster center model of the integrative modeling solution. : the modeling protocol employed with IMP 2.12
cluster.0 : contains the .mrc files for the localisation probability densities for each region of interest input: topology.txt: the integrative modeling set-up for IMP. rnap_nusa.fasta: the sequences in the system the restraints density: RNAPNusA_job153_postprocess_masked.mrc density GMM representation: gmm_700_Nov19.mrc DSS crosslinks: cl_all_nusg_rpoe_DSSO.csv DSSO crosslinks: cl_all_nusg_rpoe_DSS.csv
the starting models (*.pdb) Sequence alignments for P75090 (delta) and P75591 (NusA). Other sequence alignments are found in the pdb file headers.
input/original_models: the models coming out of comparative modeling, prior to coarse graining of flexible regions.