Linux basics lesson course for ICTP Diploma students
- [What is Linux & the terminal][ok]
- [Filesystem: folders (/home, /tmp, /usr, /inc...)][ok]
- [cd (., .., /, -, ~)][ok]
- [ls (-l)][ok]
- [touch][ok]
- [mkdir][ok]
- [rm (-r, -i, -v)][ok]
- [mkdir, touch, rm exercises][ok]
- [cp, mv][ok]
- [find][ok]
- [exercises on cp, mv, find][ok]
- [Brief introduction to vim (insert mode, saving/quitting, moving, visual/block, macros?)][ok]
- [What is a program/programming][ok]
- [Compiling][ok]
- [brief introduction to makefiles][ok]
- [permissions & chmod (ua, +/-, rwx (search for dirs))][ok]
- [dealing with processes: ./..., ./... &, ps, top (P,M), kill, pkill][ok]
- [ssh/scp, general practices of using clusters (slurm...)][ok]
- [stackoverflow][ok]
- [cat, tail, head][ok]
- [piping and redirection][ok]
- [Creating a bash script (opening handle) + how to execute it][ok]
- [cat, tail, head exercises][ok]
- [grep][ok]
- [grep exercises][ok]
- [regexp][ok]
- [elements of sed (delete when occurrence, add when occurrence, replace, -i)][ok]
- [sed exercises][ok]
- [cut, paste][ok]
- [sort][ok]
- [cut, paste, sort exercises][ok]
- [elements of awk (print only a field, manipulate a field, add row numbers)][ok]
- [awk exercises][ok]
- [Variables][ok]
- [read (-p), echo][ok]
- [Command line arguments][ok]
- [Conditionals][ok]
- [Loops][ok]
- ave (wc)
- aliasing
- create an archive (tar -cvzf, -xvzf)