An unofficial SDK for Meta's WhatsApp Business Messaging APIs - Cloud API.
// ESM
import CloudAPI from "@great-detail/whatsapp";
// CJS
const CloudAPI = require("@great-detail/whatsapp").default;
const sdk = new CloudAPI();
const message = sdk
.message({ phoneNumberID: "123...809" })
.text({ body: "Hello" }, { toNumber: "1234567890" });
const sendReceipt = await message.send();
Install the WhatsApp Business Platform SDK:
# NPM:
npm install @great-detail/whatsapp
# Yarn:
yarn add @great-detail/whatsapp
pnpm add @great-detail/whatsapp
# Send a Text Message
npx @great-detail/whatsapp message send text "<RECIPIENT>" --body="Hello, World!"
# Note: <RECIPIENT> may be a Phone Number ID - it may not always be the phone number itself.
# Send an Image Message
npx @great-detail/whatsapp message send image "<RECIPIENT>" --media-id="<MEDIA_ID>"
# Use --filename="..." to set the filename of the image.
# Use --caption="..." to set a caption on the image.
# Upload a Media File
npx @great-detail/whatsapp media upload --mime-type="<MIME_TYPE>" < "<FILE_FROM_STDIN>"
# Get a Media File's URL
npx @great-detail/whatsapp media get-url "<MEDIA_ID>"
# Note: With WHATSAPP_PHONE_NUMBER_ID set, the request will check if the media
# is available for that phone number. To prevent this check, unset the env var
# or add --phone-number-id="" to the command.
# Download a Media File
npx @great-detail/whatsapp media download "<MEDIA_URL>" > "<FILE_TO_STDOUT>"
This SDK is designed to be compatible with the Cloud API API.
SDK Version | Cloud API Versions |
TODO | v18 |
Whilst the SDK may work with alternative versions of the Graph API, it is designed to work with the above. If you find any compatibility issues, please report them via GitHub Issues.
Meta has adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project participants to adhere to. Please read the full text so that you can understand what actions will and will not be tolerated.
See the CONTRIBUTING file for our development process, how to propose bugfixes and improvements, and how to build and test your changes to the WhatsApp Business Platform Node.js SDK.
The WhatsApp Business Platform Node.js SDK for the Cloud API is Meta Platforms licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.